Forum: Electronics
07-12-2015, 06:53 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 1,670
50 amp circuitbreaker
Hi everyone, when my battery is hooked up my boat won't even power up without holding in the 50 amp circuit breaker. So when I hold the breaker in I still can't get it to turn over, it just beeps. ...
Forum: Engines
06-21-2015, 03:57 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,283
Crankshaft pulley
Yes I'm saying the rubber failed I think, that's what I'm wondering if I can get a new rubber to put on or do I need to but a new part
Forum: Engines
06-21-2015, 02:23 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,283
Forum: Engines
06-20-2015, 07:01 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,283
Crankshaft pulley
Ok so the harmonic balancer must have a seal on it and that get pressed on the pulley
Forum: Engines
06-20-2015, 02:02 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,283
Forum: Engines
06-20-2015, 01:36 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,283
Forum: Engines
06-20-2015, 01:39 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,283
Crankshaft pulley
I was wondering how to fix my crankshaft pulley and harmonic balancer. I have both parts but the harmonic balancer just spins around the pulley. So I'm wondering how to attachvthe harmonic balancer...