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Conversation Between pete42003 and gmc60
Showing Profile Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. pete42003
    J and R upholstry in Holland Michigan. They came to the marina where I bought the boat form in whitehall, removed the original seating and did the work. they did the carpet as well.
  2. gmc60
    05-03-2016 01:08 PM
    hi pete
    who did all the seat work awesome job its how i want to do mine . did they have the patterns, or still do after your work , very interested.
    Thanks Bill
  3. pete42003
    J and R upholstery in Holland did it. I bought the boat on the west side of the state. I can give you a number if needed. Sorry for the delay..
  4. gmc60
    01-30-2016 02:35 PM
    pete need info who did your seats and did u install the back cleats if so what did u use for backing i want to put 2 on my boat ??

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