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Old 05-10-2011, 03:51 PM   #1
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Default Where do you buy your boating accessories?

So I am a big fan of buying online but there are so many different places to buy accessories. I would be interested in hearing some of yours.

My favorite mostly because they have good selection and they are very close to where I live so next day via ups ground and of course price is http://www.wholesalemarine.com/

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Old 05-10-2011, 03:55 PM   #2

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I usually shop locally here in the Everett wa. area....we have west marine and harbor marine...along with some down in the seattle area...like fisheriessupply.com
they usually have about everything you could ask for...

I generally don't like to shop online unless I know what I'm looking at or getting..then it's just a matter of price..


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Old 05-10-2011, 03:57 PM   #3

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I've purchased from them too, but it really just depends on what I am looking for and how bad I need it. If an accessory that I can wait for I'll shop around online for price from reputable sources but I'll also shop a local West Marine if I need it immediately.

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Old 05-10-2011, 04:14 PM   #4
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I really like iboats.com if they have the product. Here in Iowa we don't have a West Marine store and the local boat retailers do not keep anything on hand because there is a large marine distributor here in town (Lorenz and Jones). So if you want it you can either pick it up or wait for them to pickup their order. Several times I have ordered from iboats.com and it gets mailed out of Lorenz and Jones, and I have it the next day.
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Old 05-10-2011, 05:29 PM   #5

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I like:

West Marine
I sometimes buy online from other less well known vendors
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Old 05-11-2011, 01:29 AM   #6
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I think I have about 20 different websites that I might shop from. With electronics do a google search and get the best price. Amazon has alot of boating stuff! I find Overton always will beat most everyone in the average boating supplies category. West Marine is big $$$$$$. Boat Bandit is not bad. Defender is good also. Jamestown Supply's is good also. What to look for is when they have free shipping. About 3 years ago I ordered a 5 gallon bucket of Merc outdrive fluid.......free shipping !!!!!!!. That saved me a bunch of money and because I bought this in bulk instead of high priced quart cans I saved more money. I use the computer to shop all the time. Click and shop! Can't get any easier.......

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Old 05-11-2011, 01:44 AM   #7
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As a owner of a local retailer I do not like shopping online, but when the local retailers do no carry the product, I will shop online.
Sooner or later we will put the local retailer out of business, and then where we we be when we need that immediate product or service. I would easily pay 10-15% more for the local service. We will pay a waitress 20% for good service, why not a local retailer?
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Old 05-11-2011, 03:16 AM   #8
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We have a slip at a marinia in town and we enjoy it very much but........the owners prices on about everything in his store are higher than anybody use in town. I am a normal working joe that is in a rich man's hobby. I rent a slip for my boat from him and that is it. I try to stretch my boating dollar for everything I can get. The internet helps me get as much bang for my dollar as I can get. I think it gets everybody that wants to stay in business in business. Competition is good for everyone. Want to pay high prices just to keep someone in business? No thanks!

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Old 05-11-2011, 02:53 PM   #9

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Originally Posted by tjwieseler View Post
Sooner or later we will put the local retailer out of business....
One of the several reasons I refuse to shop at Walmart.

Unfortunately it is difficult to justify paying considerably more at a local retailer than you would online. 15 or 20 % of 100.00 dollars is one thing, but 15 or 20 % of 1000.00 is another. Then there's the time and location factors; time is money and if the local retailer is some distance away (as are the two West Marine stores closest to me - about 40 minutes) I spend time, and gas, getting there and back - and there's no guaranty they will have exacly what I want/need when I get there.

So while I'm pleased to support local retailers whenever possible, the economic realities are such that locals will need to compete on price.


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Old 05-11-2011, 04:41 PM   #10
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I agree with you on the 20% of $1000 is another story.

As a local retailer we hire only fulltime employees, give them healthcare, life and disability insurance, stock equipment and parts, send our employees to factory service schools, donate to local charities etc. etc. etc. You cannot do all of that, which I beleive is being a responsible local business, for 5-10% profit. Some of these online retailers will sell for 5% over cost and ship direct from manufacturer, thus only handling paper. This doesn't support any other local business that employs local people. Then there are those who come in and say "If I order online I don't have to pay sales tax can you lower your price to discount the tax?".

I guess someday we will all be ordering online from China and they will ship it over, at least those of us not on unemployment because we can't find work here in the US.

Okay I am done, I will get off my soap box now
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Old 05-11-2011, 05:26 PM   #11

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I appreciate that it's a catch-22 for you TJ, trying to compete on price against volumn retailers and on-line order-takers while still providing a living wage and benefits for your and your employees. Not a job I'd want. I sincerely hope your business model and products continue to afford you the ability to do what you've been doing.

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Old 05-12-2011, 01:59 PM   #12
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While it has always been my priority to buy local, the internet age and a recession has changed that. I look for the best price, local retailers will have to somehow change their business models to compete, if they intend to stay in business. This internet thing, ain't goin' away...............
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Old 05-13-2011, 01:42 PM   #13
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Being the owner of a jewelry store that has morphed into an successful online business I can tell you that you can compete. Price is not the only thing that drives people to purchase. We've built our business on service and we compete directly with all of the major internet only dealers out there. There are more people with questions than answers. Good luck.
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Old 05-14-2011, 12:06 AM   #14
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This will put an age on me but back when I started to drive a car we still had full service at the gas pumps and my father explained to me why he paid extra to go there instead of the cut rate self serve that was just going into the picture. Plenty of service at the first place and none at the last place. Your car breaks down, you will be remembered at the full service place because you are a valued customer and that is worth something to both you and the owner. The customer loyality thing that you hear about! As a consumer if I see that in a business that I shop at, I'm your customer for life. I am getting value for my dollar beside just the product. You have patted me on the back and thanked me and I like that.

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Old 06-27-2011, 07:36 PM   #15
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I know this is an old thread, but I have a recent experience that just shows what is happening with "Local Customer Service"

First of all, sorry for the long story.

I had a recent boating trip planned a week ago, so I took off Wednesday afternoon to prepare. I proceeded to the boat, and out of habit (which needs to change) I removed the set of keys from my pocket that had the cabin door key on it. Note this is not my "Boating key set" just my everyday keys that just so happen to have the door key on it. Well, I dropped them right behind the swim platform in 35' of dirty murky water. So I had to break into the cabin where I had an extra ignition key. So I unscrewed the hinges from the door, and tried to reach my hand up into the door to unlatch. Then I heard a crack, sh#@ I cracked the plexiglass. Then in trying to reach in more the screw inserts on the other side of the door fell out and dropped into the drain and dropped into the 35' of water also. WOW, this day is getting worse as it goes along. I finally got the latch to move and was able to get into the cabin where I couldn't find the extra key to the ignition. So I proceeded to fix the air-conditioning raw water pump. I had the parts shipped in next day air just so I would have them before the trip. I took apart the pump and didn't find anything. When putting back together I over-tightened the plastic pipe threaded fitting and it snapped off. WOW it is really getting even worse. So I decided to give myself a break and I went home to finish some packing and told my wife I was going to Menards to purchase a magnet used to pick up nails from your yard. She said that I was "NOT" to go back to the boat tonight and try to look for the keys, so I took her advise and just went to get the magnet and an easy out for the pump. The next morning I went back to the boat with the easy out and the magnet. I thought, first things first, I need to find the ignition key. After searching for awhile I remembered that the last time I went out with the boat I used the extra key! Looked in the ignition and there it was. How stupid to leave it in there, but I found it. Next, let's find the key ring that I dropped in the water. Not only was my boat keys on it, but my office key, office file cabinets, house key, Wells Fargo RSA code key ETC!! I tied the magnet to 50' of rope and proceeded to bob up and down on the surface with the magnet. I tried two times to no avail. The third time I thought I felt something, low and behold I had snagged them!!!!!! Now maybe this day is going to be better!! The Pipe fitting came right out of the pump and everything went together with no problems!!

I know this is a long story, and you are saying, where is he going with this.
Here is the service part of it.
Everyone said that I needed to get a spare set of keys made so, I went to our wonderful 80 year old locksmith company that we have used for years to get our keys and locks made.
They handed me back my keys with all but one key made, it was the Mobella key for the cabin door. They said that they couldn't make the key. So I asked, "can you order it". No, they cannot. Then they proceed to tell me to search on the internet. WOW, a full service locksmith company cannot find or make a key, and will not take the time to look for it. All they had to say was "We can order it, and it will be $15" I would have said, do it. No, I have to search on the internet for the key blanks. On the way back to the office I type "Mobella key blanks" into my smart phone and in 1 second I have found a source for the keys, approx $3.50 each. So, me being the "Local buyer" I think maybe I should call the local Ex-Maxum dealer and the local Sea Ray dealer, neither one of them could offer me any help getting the key.
What has happened to local service??? I would have easily spent $15-20 for the extra key if I had to. I know a $3.50 key is not a large profit item, but it could win over, or keep, a customer. No one wants to go that extra step just to help someone out anymore. You can't tell me that the Maxum dealer or Sea Ray dealer have never had to get a cabin door key, and why wouldn't the locksmith just do a quick search for the key. I have always told my sales people to help the customer out no matter if we sell it or not. Get them the answers they need and let them know how we are getting the product. Most people don't care if you are ordering from another dealer or online, they just need it.
I guess I will have to turn to the internet more and more and serve myself!!

Here is the place with the Mobella keys http://mysecuritypro.com/MobellaMBL1RKeyBlanks.aspx
I am going to order 5 of them!
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Old 06-30-2011, 05:47 PM   #16

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That is a very sad story, indeed. Our economy is absolutely the result of the combination of our lack of effort and greed.
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Old 06-30-2011, 06:24 PM   #17
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Knowing how absent-minded I can be, I took a page out of my AUTOMOBILES and created a "hide-a-key" location in the engine compartment that's difficult to get to, but doesn't need a key to gain access to (similar to the location for my cars). I'm sure you already have done the same... but it's paid off numerous times.

But I agree with Shrew; what happened to taking care of Customers? As a self-employed Entreprenuer in the telecom industry, I make it my MISSION to assist even the smallest Client. All too often it's resulted in larger-volume Customers months/years later by word of mouth. Customer Service is not a department, a very foreign concept for too many lazy businesses out there.
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Old 10-05-2012, 08:22 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by seapuppy View Post
I usually shop locally here in the Everett wa. area....we have west marine and harbor marine...along with some down in the seattle area...like fisheriessupply.com
they usually have about everything you could ask for...

I generally don't like to shop online unless I know what I'm looking at or getting..then it's just a matter of price..


Me too. I generally don't trust online retailers.

EDIT: I just found this article through Google. I hope you find it helpful:

Top 12 Boat Equipments You Cannot Live Without

There are many different types of boating accessories available; some are exclusively for those who want to go fishing, others for those who would like to sell their boats at a heavy price by increasing its resale value, still there are other accessories which are mainly for sports enthusiasts. There are also certain boat accessories which you MUST buy for the safety and security of your boat. In this article I will tell you about twelve important accessories a boat should have.

In order to choose the right accessories for your boat, it is important to keep in mind the type of boat you have, the things you plan to do with your boat, the size of your boat, etc.

Accessory #1 - GPS System: One of the most important accessories for any boat is a GPS system. In times of trouble, it could prove to be your lifesaver by helping the rescue team save you from any kind of danger you might be in. There are certain things you need to consider when buying a GPS system! A typical GPS system must have the ability to:

a) Highlight the regions in the water where you would find plenty of fishes

b) Be able to pick up satellite signals quite promptly. so that it becomes easy for you to travel through water!

A quality GPS system's LCD screen should be at least 4 inches in size; DO NOT compromise for anything smaller!

Accessory #2 - Fishing Rod Holder: Needless to say, this is mainly for the fishing enthusiasts out there; if you are not one of them, then don’t buy it! These holders have the ability to attach themselves to the sides of your boat and hold your fishing rods for you. There are different types of fishing rod holders available, such as front mount, 2-way top mount, dual rod holder, rear mount, etc. When choosing a fishing rod holder, it is important to consider the type of fishing rods you have/want to use, as well as the quality of the material your boat is made of (needless to say, the material of your boat should be of high quality, and the boat itself should be well-constructed).

Accessory #3 - Boat Fenders: Also known as marine fenders, buffers, bumpers, etc., this is one boat accessory you simply cannot live without even if you want to! By saving your vessel from getting damaged, these act like shields for your boat. These are especially necessary when you are docking your boat. There are different types of boat fenders available. The traditional, old school types of fenders were extremely cumbersome, as these lacked the ability to be folded away in a small place; no wonder that boat owners often found these to be a huge hurdle. At the same time, they simply could not afford to be without these fenders - you know why!

Times change, and so do boating equipments and supplies. If you have got super pumps (you should; they are not only essential but also extremely handy), you can instantly inflate these fenders whenever you need them, and once you are done with them, simply unfasten the inflated fenders by opening the screws! Once you unscrew them ,the fenders get deflated to a miniscule size; you can then tuck them away at a safe corner. Can anything possibly be easier than that?

There are many other differences between old and new boat fenders. New boat fenders are usually made up of more durable material so as to ensure that they last for a longer time and can even take in a couple of hits without bothering you too much! Heck, maintaining and repairing these fenders are so easy that you can manage it without requiring any expert help! Hey, old is not always gold, after all!

Boat fenders also protect your boat from harsh weather conditions, such as storms, high tides, huge sea weaves, etc.

Accessory #4 - Electric Winch: Want to increase the speed of your boat? Imagine, sailing in your boat at the speed of breeze! Well, that is exactly where these electric winches come in!

Accessory #5 - Communication Radio: Imagine being lost in the sea, with nobody to help you out, simply because you have no communication system with you! What a terrible thought, right? Well that is exactly where communication radios come in. You can use this piece of equipment to communicate with anyone you expect help from, such as the local authorities or even other members of the crew you are part of!

The other things that can keep you on track when on a sea voyage are a map and compass; these would ensure that you never lose your preferred direction!

Accessory #6 - Flag: Yet another thing that your boat should have is a flag. In case you are abandoned by your crew, this flag would come to your aid. It has been an ancient mode of communication for sailors and is as much important even in the face of modern, high-end technology! You would want to choose a flag whose color can offer a striking contrast to the bluish color of the sea water, so as to help an airliner or a passing boat identify you easily!

Accessory #7 - Storage Cans: When you are on a fun trip, and a long one at that, you certainly don't want to be in a situation when you suddenly run out of gasoline, do you? That is why, depending on the length of your trip, you would want to store plenty of fuel gas in storage cans!

Accessory #8 - Waterproof Binoculars: While a GPS system offers you the basic security you need, you might also consider adding waterproof binoculars as an essential add-on on top of the GPS. There are certain things such as troubles or obstacles at the docking place you are approaching - which cannot be easily detected by a typical GPS system; this is where these cool binoculars come in! Besides, adding these types of equipments can increase the resale value of your boat, and you can confidently charge a premium when selling your boat down the road! There are different types of waterproof binoculars available - each with a different purpose - so please choose your equipment carefully!

Accessory #9 - Seating: First of all, you should buy seats constructed with quality materials. Remember, you are not buying seats for a car, but a boat, and a boat is subject to being damaged by wet environments; you may find it annoying to change your seats too often, so it pays to invest a bit in this area.

Your seats should be arranged in such a way as to offer you the optimum boating experience. You might want to re-upholster the fabric of the seats, and if necessary, add cushions to them to make your seats more comfortable. When buying cushions, make sure that they are waterproof and dew-resistant!

Accessory #10 - A First-Aid Kit: You may or may not know this, but a lot of people suffer from sea-sickness (nausea) when they are out on the sea for a really long period of time. For this reason, you would want to keep a first-aid kit with you that could come to your aid if you start vomiting or nauseatic feeling!

Accessory #11 - Water and Food: Yes, these are among the MUST-haves, but chances are that you already know about it, so I kept this for the last! You should carry enough mineral water/fresh water with you as necessary - to serve you through the period of your sea voyage. If you don't have enough fresh water supplies with you, or if you drink sea water, you can actually suffer from dehydration, thirst, itchy and dry skin, loss of appetite, etc.

Along with water, food is also essential You should keep foods which can be kept for days on end without requiring them to be stored in a cool place; this is because if you are touring during the daylight hours, you can bet your bottom dollars that the food is going to get warm, perhaps even HOT - due to the scorching heat of the sun!

Accessory #12 - Vents: An excessive amount of heat (emanated from sunlight) can damage the color and surface of your boat, while humidity can dampen your boat's surface (which in turn can give off foul odor)! For this reason, you should buy quality vents to protect your boat from heat, humidity, foul odor and dampness!

Article Source: http://totalinfotips.com/boating/top...ments-live.php
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Old 10-09-2012, 07:16 PM   #19

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Welcome aboard misauoos!!!! Old Thread, but good info.
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Old 10-10-2012, 12:35 AM   #20
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For those of you that live on the coast you are surrounded by boating stores in your neighborhood are very lucky for having such variety to choose from. Here in central illinois we have a Bass Pro Shop, Wal-mart, Gander Mountain and a couple marina stores.For the the most part you really have to watch your wallet or quality.I am a big fan of ebay when looking for my case of oil filters or fluids that I need for winterizing.


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