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Old 12-25-2010, 09:56 PM   #1

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Thumbs up What did Santa bring ya??

other than a few gun parts that I wanted...ie bipod for my thompson contender .308 pistol...

let me digress a bit....our last big run to poulsbo...Puget Mike had that Mista Heata!!....well...my santa got me a Mr. Heater for our boating pleasure...the cockpit will be toasty warm in the cooler days!!!..

so...what did your santa getcha???

hopefully you didn't get coal but did get some cool boat stuff....

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Old 12-25-2010, 11:10 PM   #2
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santa brought me on the first day (here we have 2 days santa) a book to read (a thriller) and eight course menu at my sisters home, so i am filled untill my nose.......and now a little bit of sleep and then let's start for the second day at our home with the kids and my wifes parents. so tomorrow i'll have to feed 10 hungry mouths..........a five course menu will do for them.......and what santa will bring me on the second day of christmas....??????????? we'll see

greatz, ed

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Old 12-25-2010, 11:55 PM   #3

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Wow...2 days of christmas....that's wild!!....today I cooked a spiral glazed ham....mashed Yukon potatos and gravy...rolls....peas/carrots....and we have a peach pie waiting in the wings .....the kids..(our 2 shelties just ate and are playing..).....

so..merry christmas x2....

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Old 12-26-2010, 09:42 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by seapuppy View Post
Wow...2 days of christmas....that's wild!!....

so..merry christmas x2...

i just get wild when i'm standing on the weight scale, (libra, translation site says) and see that after these 2 days my body weighs 8 pounds more.......gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr

december in the netherlands is always a heavy month....literally and figuratively..... on the 5th of december we celbrate SINTERKLAAS....nobody believes in that old man, exept little kids until the age of about 8 years and they get expensive presents......but we're eating candy, lots of chocate letters, gingerbread nuts and all the other things that lifts our weight.......

and then 25th and 26th of december...........holy ****......it starts early in the morning and ends late at night.......eating and drinking......and because of what.......that jezus was born on these days.......85 % of the dutch people are non believers....so.....ppppfffttttt

and than to end every year the 31 th of december......we're eating apple turnovers and donuts (well we start with it in the beginning of november but the explosion is at the 31th), toast with pate, well just name it and we eat it, just name it and we drink it......untill we ar starting to eat backwards (throw up/vomit our food back), and then at 24.00 hours fireworks.......nice a lot of people loses one or two fingers or even an hole hand or arm.......lose one or two eyes......but are still happy because it was the biggest bang in their life and then go totally drunk to the hospital underways singing "i had the time off my life", and then drinking starts al over again untill early in the morning........

so here in holland it's fun in this month (and also in some other months...like april and may)

greatz, ed & inge

still see no present for me under the christmas tree............could it be that she bought me the new boat..........???????????????????? i'm getting a little bit nervous right now.......
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Old 12-29-2010, 12:23 PM   #5

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I got a new Rocna 10KG (22.046lbs....let's call it 22lbs (@#$% metric system!!)) anchor. Let's see if I drag anchor this year, LOL.

A couple of 'Dog Bone' socket wrenches to free up some space in the toolbox.

A couple of Aux./emergency LED lights/lamps that run on AA batt. (Ever run out of house power during extended stays on the anchor? You only need to spend one night in the dark before these start looking pretty good. Trust me, there's no amount of hand held flashlights to make playing cards fun or easy sans illumination)

I also got a new chart book of Cape Cod and the Islands. I'm planning a week long cruise for my 40th Birthday. I'm planning to head out to Block Island,RI; Martha's Vineyard, MA; Nantucket, MA; Provincetown, MA; down through the Cape Cod Canal into Buzzards Bay; Newport, RI; then back to the home port. Might try to squeeze a few more stops in there, but I still need to plot the course out. Basically, cruise to a new port everyday (weather permitting), without hiting the same port twice or heading to the home port in between. In years past we've taken over night trips, but keep heading back to the home marina every few days.

I took the admiral on a cruise to the Bahamas for her 39th+ (LOL) so she asked if I wanted to go on a cruise. "Yes, but not the kind you're thinking of."
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Old 12-29-2010, 02:42 PM   #6

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you sound like me there shrew!!...good job with santa!!!...

marsha told me last yr we were going on a cruise to alaska....for us..it wasn't that much fun...pretty boring too....keep your wallet tightly closed!!..what cruise line are you going on??...we went on norwegien cruise line....aweful boat..ok..the boat wasn't bad..but the service and food wasn't great....got nickel and dimed to tune of 500 bucks on top of everything else....

so..this yr we're taking a 9 day cruise on our boat...rain or shine....haha
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Old 12-29-2010, 06:38 PM   #7
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Ed's very detailed, not to mention often times graphic, posts are present enough for me! All kidding aside, glad to hear you are feeling better Ed and have gained those 8 pounds!!

Santa brought me lots of very nice things this year but little in the way of boating stuff. Guess Santa knows that I visit our local West Marine on a near weekly basis throughout the year.....

Happy New Year guys!
So. Cal.
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Old 12-29-2010, 09:04 PM   #8
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f..k the christmas tree.........no new boat under the tree, just another book and 3 pounds more on the scale....hahaha.........but today we picked up al the stuff for the new bathroom. this will be a nice winter job for me....total renovation of this room......cost of the materials 4500 dollar.

and our dog was very unlucky she tored of her cruciate ligaments of her right hind leg, so coming monday she will be operated, it will cost about a 1000 dollar.....and for me about a 3000 dollar bills of medical costs (because of 3 heavy operations i had in september and october, and medical homecare i had untill today) that the ensurance company won't compensate. and also a bill of 800 dollar for the boat...............o yes the bill for our harbour also came in yesterday....1200 dollar...........................****......... now i know why there was no new boat under the christmas tree.......

but i realy don't care.......despite of all the setbacks we had this year i'm still happy with the life i live with my woman.......2010 was a good year untill september......but 2011 will be much better.........so i'll see what will be under the tree next year........

greatz, ed
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Old 12-30-2010, 01:18 PM   #9

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For the Admiral's 39th+ we took a Royal Carribbean Cruise of of Miami and did a short 4 day in the Bahama's. We've done Royal Carribean out of Puerto Rico for a week for our 10th anniversay years ago and Carnival out of New Orleans to Cancun many years ago. This years cruise for my 40th is on the Maxum. I'm practicing for when we eventually retire, sell our worldly possessions and become live aboard cruisers.
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Old 12-31-2010, 09:32 PM   #10

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well...here's what I started with......thompson .308 Encore pistol...added a bipod
and a chinese made sks 74...

then with the makeover of the chinese sks74....

and then added a bipod to the thompson..which later I'll add a scope too it...

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Old 01-01-2011, 01:42 AM   #11
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Weird, I have been researching SKS's for the past few day because I was offered one from one of my employees friends for $150. Havent seen it yet, should get pics this weekend but I was told it has a polymar stock w/pistol grip, detachable mag and in grear condition. I will be sure to post pictures. I have been on http://www.sksboards.com for the past few days reading and reading. Steve we will need to chat
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Old 01-01-2011, 01:57 AM   #12

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well...if he's fixed it up like mine...it should be neat...you can get plenty of ammo...cheap.....you can get parts at different places....
go to www.cheaperthandirt.com.....I've ordered from them for other weapons and danged if they aren't fast too...

give me a hollar .....it's a way cool weapon when you take the ole wooden stock off.....shoots nice too...bout like a .223 AR 15...

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Old 01-01-2011, 02:01 AM   #13
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cool, i am excited to check it out. Is your SKS 922 compliant? I think regardless if it has the stock firing pin I will get the Murrays pin (http://www.murraysguns.com/sksown.htm). Have you had any issues with slam fires?
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Old 01-01-2011, 02:16 AM   #14

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I don't know if it's 922 compliant..guess I should read up on it....but really ..it's a semi auto...how much more can I screw it up???

I fired maybe about 20 rnds thru it when I first got it...no slamfires....the place I had to go shoot it requires single shots only...so...put the rnd in the chamber and release the slide....nope...no slam fire....but I want to get it to a place where I can shoot it with a full mag...

for 150 bucks....heck man..I'll buy it from you!!..haha....I paid 400 for mine in the wood stock....another 100 bucks for the composite stock...

so..let me know what ya do...they are a real kick to shoot!!..

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Old 01-01-2011, 03:02 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by seapuppy View Post
I don't know if it's 922 compliant..guess I should read up on it....but really ..it's a semi auto...how much more can I screw it up???

I fired maybe about 20 rnds thru it when I first got it...no slamfires....the place I had to go shoot it requires single shots only...so...put the rnd in the chamber and release the slide....nope...no slam fire....but I want to get it to a place where I can shoot it with a full mag...

for 150 bucks....heck man..I'll buy it from you!!..haha....I paid 400 for mine in the wood stock....another 100 bucks for the composite stock...

so..let me know what ya do...they are a real kick to shoot!!..

Yea, thats what Im thinking. Once I see picks and confirm its an SKS and nothing majorly wrong Im gonna buy it. 922 law is really confusing, I have been researching for the past few days. Basically to be compliant you need to have 10 or less foreign parts in it. See here (http://www.sksboards.com/smf/index.php?topic=27678.0)
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Old 03-01-2011, 11:11 PM   #16
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Santa brought ME (yes I know it's March 1st but I haven't seen this post until today) a new hand-held Midland VHF Radio for the JetSki and kayak when I'm out paddling with my two boys (ages 5 and 6 this year). We sometimes go WAY back into the rivers off the grid and the radio will be great to talk back to Endless Summer. Also got a new mask and snorkel for underwater exploring. Then in February my wife surprised me with a SCUBA class/lessons for my birthday. I just signed up to take the four week lessons starting in April. Looking forward to getting Endless Summer out of storage three weeks from this Friday... counting the days!

Jeff Means
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