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Old 03-12-2007, 04:34 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Richmond, KY
Posts: 50
Default What a day!!!

What a great day at the lake. I took the boat out Saturday to Lake Nacimiento, about 35 minutes from the house. Just me and a neighbor (FourWinns guy) so we had an opportunity to make sure everything was good. The temp topped out at 82 degrees. Nice sunburn on the back of the neck.

We stayed in the no wake area for a little bit making our way to the floating porta-potty and back. No water leaks. Then we made a short trip out and back of 5 minutes, no leaks. Then, for the next three hours, it was just cruising the lake and sightseeing. I wasn't suprised to see other boaters out, but I was suprised to see so many (approx. 40-50 boats), and so many wakeboarders and skiers (about 10) with water still cold.

Overall, it was a great day. Had a chance to get her up to speed and practice making the smoothest ride, without the family on board. It was smooth enough in parts that she hopped right on up to 40 with no problem, but she seems to like 30-35 the best. With that being said, I'll have some new posts about some different issues that came up.

I hope everyone had as good a day as I did!!

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Old 03-12-2007, 04:50 PM   #2

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Default great day

man..sounds like you had a good day..congrats...i wish I could say the's been a rough weekend and I wish we could get a do over for it....
my new 7 mos. old sheltie did a headover from the bed and snapped his right rear leg....broke it fri. nite in the emergency vets office and then all weekend carrying the little guy too and from potty times....this will be 6-8 weeks of carrying stumpy every day until the cast comes off.....

2900 bucks't have a good weekend..but glad you did!!....I'm jealous ops:
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