Re: Weight
These are the only models that I know were produced in 1989.
1600/XR - 16' 1700/SR - 17'
1700/XR - 17' 2000/SC - 20'
2000/SR - 20' 2000/XC - 20'
2000/XR - 20' 2300/SC - 23'
The net weight for the 2000SC is listed as 2,100lbs. and the 2300SC is listed as 3,000lbs. These weights are for the standard engines and are dry weights only. I have know idea how much your trailer and gear may add to your equation. The other thing to keep in mind is that boat manufactures are notorious for underestimating the weights of their boats. The only way to know for sure is to find a scale and weigh the whole package as you normally would have it loaded. Little things add up fast, just a gallon of gas weighs over six pounds.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
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