We bought a 2007 Maxum 2400SD this summer, after shopping a number of different boats. We still are trying to understand why this boat is significantly heavier than any other boat in it's class. We looked at Sea Ray Sundeck 240s and Four Winns H240s, and they're 3000-3500lbs dry. Ours is listed as 5300lbs dry. Where is there an extra TON of weight being used?
Depending on the manufacture year of the Searay and Four Winns they may have been constructed with cored hull bottoms (below the water line) which makes them lighter but more susceptible to core saturation and delamination.
As far as I know Maxum used solid fiberglass with no coring below the water line which could account for the weight difference.
Depending on the manufacture year of the Searay and Four Winns they may have been constructed with cored hull bottoms (below the water line) which makes them lighter but more susceptible to core saturation and delamination.
As far as I know Maxum used solid fiberglass with no coring below the water line which could account for the weight difference.
All mid-2000s. We were laughing because even a 27' crownline was lighter by almost 1000lbs.
We bought a 2007 Maxum 2400SD this summer, after shopping a number of different boats. We still are trying to understand why this boat is significantly heavier than any other boat in it's class. We looked at Sea Ray Sundeck 240s and Four Winns H240s, and they're 3000-3500lbs dry. Ours is listed as 5300lbs dry. Where is there an extra TON of weight being used?
I have 2007 sale literature and it states the weight as 5300 lbs
1995 Maxum 2400 SCR 5.7 A1 G2 LUNA DE MIEL SOLD
1988 Bayliner 2455 5.0 IO (sold)
1987 Seaswerl 18ft C. Cabin 4.3 IO(lost in fire)
2012 South Bay Pontoon