I hope that this weekend I can finally dunk the boat and put it in its slip for the season to come, but first..........the weather! The nasty weather!
Central Illinois has gotten its share but I think south of us has gotten alot more as in gallons and gallons more. To all the people in the St Louis area that was effected by the airport tornado you will recover and our thoughts go out to you. Reading the paper this morning and the storm system that went through the deep south with alittle under 300 people losing their lives in unbelievable. Wow. Spring weather is packing a punch this season and taking no prisoners.
The Illinois river is approaching flood stage in our area but is going to crest sometime next week. This still is nowhere near what is going on south of us with what the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio river are doing to the people that live along side of it.
Well I hope I can get the boat in the water this saturday. I did have a chance Easter weekend (beautiful weekend) but home duties called, painting and taking old carpet out for the new carpet so we can get our house on the market and sell. If I hear the word staging one more time

Hang in there Midwest and Southern boaters!
That is all