So I'm at the boat. Just checked the forward bilge and between Monday 1pm and today at 3pm I pumped out about 1 gallon of water.

1 - When I left the boat Monday I took the town water hose off the boat.
2 - The fresh water tank was full and still is.
3 - The fresh water pump was off but I turned it on when I got here today. It has not been running.
4 - I was able to remove my toilet paper holder which gave me access to the head faucet. Bone dry. No leaks there.
I bought a Hydrometer. The good news is that it's fresh water in the bilge.

But where is it coming from!!!!
I mentioned I ran a hose on the anchor locker/bow. Could it have taken awhile to reach the bilge? I also need to find out if there was any rain here at the boat.
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