Originally Posted by oldno7
I see a through hull bow thruster project in Bella's future  
Funny you should say that oldno7,
I have often dreamed about how nice it would be to have a Lewmar BT, something, I would definitely have done by a professional shipyard. I'm good with my hands but not good enough to cut a huge A$$ed hole in a perfectly good hull!!(horror of horrors!!!!
In the mean time I'll have to continue to rely on my witts and skill coupled with good timing and little luck to thread the needle in a GD side wind without scarring my beloved Bella up. I look at it this way, "if you get help today, your probably going to need it tomorrow". Having Axius or a BT can't make up for the fact of wether you can really drive a damn boat or not. If you rely on Technology to dock, you better pray to god that it don't break down or your gonna feed the dock with fresh fiberglass in the process.
Would be nice tho!!!!
Bella Sera 3300SCR Out