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Old 07-30-2021, 01:28 PM   #1
Lt. JG
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 35
Default U-Line BI95 Ice Maker Replacement

I realize this topic is long in the tooth, but I have information that does not seem to be anywhere else in the forum and I'm hoping someone can provide one measurement that is missing.

BI Dimensions (+/- 1/4")
Width: 13-7/8"
Height: 24"
Depth from the back of the mounting frame lip that the screws go through into the boat's fiberglass: 14-1/4" at the top, 16-1/2" at the bottom

Frame Dimensions:
The lip the screws go through: 16"w x 26-1/4"h
The box riveted to the sides of the BI95: 14-3/16"w x 24-1/2"h

Dimension needed: The depth of the hole the ice make sits in.

I reached out to Rob at AER Supply (Thanks @Glen111). They have six BI95s on backorder since March. Another place told me 14 weeks for delivery. Rob suggested a Vitrifrigo unit (IMHYDIXN1-S?) that is approximately the same size, but Rob can't get in touch with them despite many attempts.

There's an Isotherm ice maker (Mfg # 5W08A14CE0011) that might fit, but it's deeper (15-3/4" per Westmarine or 16-1/2" per Isotherm) than the BI95.

Our boat is kind of far and we're not going this weekend. Does anyone happen to know the depth of the of the hole the ice make sits in?


'98 3700 SCR w/7.4L
Beginner's Luck
Gerard Hebert is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 08-09-2021, 05:20 PM   #2
Lt. JG
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 35

Dimension for the ice maker compartment on a '98 3700 SCR:
(+/- 1/2")
Width: 16-7/8"W
Depth: 16-1/2" at the top & 17-3/8" at the bottom
Height: 26"

This is not for the finished front that the icemaker bezel screws into, but rather the box behind it. You would need to cut out the front fiberglass to install a unit that would use this space. The back wall of the compartment is approximately 3/4" thick and there appear to be a couple of inches of free space behind it.

I'm trying to not overcomplicate this, but there is one more important detail. The compartment is actually 28"H, but to use those additional 2" at the top, the unit going in can be only 14-1/2" deep because a beam or something is up there and it sticks into the compartment.

I ended up going with a Raritan Icer-Ette Mfg# 87B515-1
Dimensions: 14"W x 24"H x 14-1/2"D
One important reason was because marinepartsource_dot_com had several in stock. The staff were friendly and helpful and I had the icemaker two days later.

It easily fit into the space, but there were issues. Yes, I am as shocked as you are.

1) The water pipe in the boat is 1/2"OD and the Raritan needs 1/4"OD. The local hardware store didn't have that reducer, so I bought quick connects 1/2" to 3/8" and 3/8" to 1/4" and a few inches of 3/8" tubing.

2) The Raritan bezel is much smaller than what comes on the BI95 and it did not cover the opening. There is a gap at the top.

3) The significant effort that went into ensuring that the Raritan was level resulted in the compartment door not closing. The icemaker door handle sticks out too far.

Issues 2 & 3 will be resolved by adapting the BI95 bezel to the new icemaker. The Raritan is just barely too wide to fit into the old bezel. I'm going to cut it in half, paint it white, and cover the gap with... something.
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PXL_20210806_230233424.jpg   PXL_20210806_210924663.jpg   PXL_20210807_124236790.jpg  

'98 3700 SCR w/7.4L
Beginner's Luck
Gerard Hebert is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 08-17-2021, 03:53 PM   #3
Lt. JG
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 35
Default Conclusion

Using the BI95 bezel on the Raritan ice maker did not work.

The pivot point of the door on the BI95 is at the front. The Raritan's is in the middle. Opening the door causes it to hit the bezel at the bottom.

I ended up installing the Raritan's bezel flush with the front of the unit where it's supposed to be, which due to the design of the boat means the ice maker is not level front to back. The ice cubes from the front of the tray are smaller, the one from the back are larger, and a little water spills over from the back of the tray into the bin.
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'98 3700 SCR w/7.4L
Beginner's Luck
Gerard Hebert is offline   Reply With Quote

bi95, ice maker, icemaker, u-line, uline

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