HAHAHAHA.....how I know this one.....once we were planning our first trip on the boat.....our 2455..(pos boat)...we loaded the boat up....got put in the water....started the engine....put it gear and felt it go chunk!!!....the shift cable broke...
now all that week..we'd been planning..braggin...making people at work want to kill me....and the shifter broke...dead...couldn't go in fwd or reverse...
the gods have a way of making you feel stoooooopid......in a big way...
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 
SSN683 Association member 
Par Excellence
2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!
Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO. 
Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!