What a weekend!!
Set out Noon on Friday to head downtown for the night, then go to the NAS Jacksonville airshow the next day.
A few hundred yards from our dock, the starboard engine overheats, so I shut it down. Drop anchor and jump overboard to check for obstructions or growth on the drive, but it's pretty good (a little growth, but nothing big enough to block the intakes). One possibility down, 2 to go... Open the hatch, nope, the belt isn't broken... which leaves....
Thank goodness for Bravo drives, and that I had a spare pump on board. I fashioned a plug out of papertowel and duct tape, and rebuilt the pump right there at anchor. Success!
Just as we're arriving at the landing, the port voltage drops, and the engine over heats. I open the hatch to find that the brand new water pump, with its good pressure, has blown a hose, and everything is soaked.
I tore down the port pump, and it looked brand new. Got a new hose the next morning, and we were able to make it out. I still don't know why the port engine over heated, or why the voltage dropped, but everything is fine now.
So, we make it to the air show. We had a great anchor spot, just north of the runway, about aligned with the center grandstands, so the planes frequently passed directly over head. Getting pictures was difficult with out a lens, and the speed the planes were moving, but here are few.