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Old 10-10-2016, 08:13 PM   #1
Lt. JG
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Reading MA
Posts: 37
Question Starting fluid on 2cycle outboard motor?

I have a Merc 125 o/b on my Maxum 1800XR. Sometimes it takes a while to get the motor running from a cold start, like I experiences this past weekend. I hadnt used the boat for about 3 weeks due to bad weather, cold, etc. I blame myself as I most likely didn't pump enough gas into the engine. I thought pumping it ~ 10-15 times would suffice (and was fearful that many more pumps could flood the engine, but according to my mechanic, you will need to pump until the bulb gets too hard to pump anymore). Is overly using the choke what could cause the engine to flood and require the 10-15 mins wait for the gas drain out? Is that because too much gas got onto the spark plug, therefore no spark to start the engine ?

A friend mentioned using starting fluid for cold starts after a long lay-off or just in general to help start a stubborn engine. I found this NON-ETHER-BASED fluid called "3-In-One" Advanced Engine Starter & Conditioner. I have not used it yet. It says right on the bottle that it "Provides Essential Lubrication While Starting Engines Quickly". "Revolutionary Non-Ether Forumula Minimizes Engine Wear". "Ideal for starting gas and diesel engines such as OUTBOARD MOTORS, and other power equipment".

I'd be interested to know what the experts here think about starting using such a fluid. Should I need to use this ? Or only under conditions when the engine hasnt been used for a while. I would hate to use it if its going to hurt the engine at all, or if using it is just hiding a real problem I have with the engine. Would appreciate your opinions.

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Old 10-10-2016, 10:10 PM   #2
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Not familiar with the starting fluid you mention but the old ether stuff can cause internal damage if too much is squirted in, melted piston. Also wash oil off cylinder walls.

Sounds the stuff you got is suppose to avoid this.

Not much expierenced with O/Bs so that's all I can offer.
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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