Specs Hulp - Dry weight, bridge clearance, etc.
I mean "Help"... Can't change the title. I have to replace my old ski boat - at 1989 Sea Ray 210 Bowrider. I am very close to buying a Crownline 23 SS LPX. I keep my Maxum on a buoy but this boat has to fit in my boathouse. The Sea Ray is actually 22"10""LOA vs 23"3" for the Crowline, so i am OK on the length. I am concerned about the height (overhead door clearance) and weight (winch capacity).
Online it says the Sea Ray is 3030 lbs dry weight and the Crownline is 4200. Given they have basically the same size engine block (5.7l) and are about the same size, I find this weight difference hard to believe. Sea Rays are usually heavy and I always thought my 210 was closer to 5000 lbs.
I can't find the height of the Sea ray online but the "bridge clearance" of the Crownline is 53" - it has a very low slung windshield. Could someone confirm that "bridge clearance" is the height from keel to top of windsheild as opposed to windshield to water level.
Also does anyone have a good source for boat specs?
While I am on it, does anyone know the LOA for a 1990 2700 SCR. I know it is at least 29', maybe more with the pulpit.