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Old 08-20-2011, 12:36 AM   #1
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Unhappy sewer smell

Hey all, on our 2400scr, when we open the aft cabin headboard storage there is an odor coming from the area where the septic line runs. Doesn't smell like s@#t, but more like the chemicals you put through the system....kinds like an outhouse smell.....anyhow....fearing a leak, I pulled the fridge and had the wife run water from the garden hose through the head while i checked everywhere along the line for leaks...clamps etc...etc... Couldn't find any signs of any leaks.... past or present. The odor is only noticeable if we lift up the headboard. Can the line let odors through without having a leak? seems like a "shitty" job to replace the

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Old 08-20-2011, 01:36 AM   #2
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I can tell you this, waste lines will start to smell after a while, the odor from the waste will permeate through the hoses. Visually inspect your hoses, if they look clean, take a clean rag and wipe the outside of the hose. Does the rag smell? If it does, hate to tell you, but you have to replace the hoses. I had this problem on my last boat when I bought it (prior owner probably didn't keep it clean enough) and I did everything possible before starting the project of taking the hoses out. Nothing worked. The trick is to get the hoses as empty as possible before removal. This isn't always possible. So what I did - pump out your tank first! If you can fill it a few times with clean water and pump it out a few times, it will cut the smell down. Then get ready for the real work - bring a lot of rags and a lot of plastic bags. When you cut a length of hose, take a couple of rags, put them in the plastic bag, and jam the end of the hose with it. Press it a good length in. Now put a plastic bag over the end of the hose and duct tape the thing to death and fish it through. The rags in the hose will clog the end and the plastic bags wont absorb or leak the waste out. If its going to be hard to put the new hose back, attach a nylon rope strong to the end of the hose *before* you pull it through it (ask me how I know this), this way you can have a buddy pull the rope later guiding the hose back while you fish it through. It may take extra time and effort up front, but I pulled all my hoses out this way (head=>tank, tank=>pump-out, tank=>macerator, tank=>vent) this way and not a drop leaked. If you have a nice boat, and want to keep it for a while, invest in really good waste line hoses, the price is worth it When putting it all back, try not to create any "sags" in the hoses, otherwise the waste will collect there and in a few years you'll have the same problem again. Its best to do this on a sunny day (believe it or not) so you can let the new hose out in the sunlight for a few hours to make it flexible, its a bitch trying to bend it when its cold. Dont forget to double clamp all the ends. If the ends are tight when trying to put back on the fitting, heat them up with a heat gun or torch (be careful not to burn or heat it to much). Run the lines long before you cut them, cause if you cut them to short, you'll gonna have to run new lines (dont splice). I also took the entire tank out when I did this. And flushed, washed, bleached the heck out of it, before I put it back. This way, the entire system was empty and clean. When I was done, it didn't have a smell at all and it passed my wife's nose test. Good luck. Bring plenty of beer and a buddy to help you with the lines and to drink the beer.

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Old 08-26-2011, 02:21 AM   #3
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Hey, thanks for the tips....I figured I needed a new line as you said...ordered some the other day and received it today....just finished up about an hour ago...was an easy fix on my model of boat.....easy to get at the hose..just had to pull the fridge and feed it through....should be good to go now....
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Old 08-26-2011, 02:34 AM   #4

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yeah..what he said.......can't add a thing...

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Old 09-05-2011, 04:34 AM   #5
Lt. JG
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The in-line odor filters work great. You need to replace it once per season. They're available at most marine suppliers. Cheers
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Old 09-05-2011, 01:24 PM   #6
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When i bought my used boat I noticed a case of de-oderizer in the cabin.

So with a vacu flush, the lines are pressurized like a airplane toilet, and if there is a leak, the air will be pumped out of any leak, and the sweet smell of decompostion is in the air.

so, pump it out the best you can, add the color de-oderizer, and then fill it with the hose until it comes out the vent tube at the back of the boat. You will smell it on a hot day from the rear vent.

My problem was a broken flange on the holding tank. Someone tried to calk it, but with air pressure it dose not work.

So, I took the tank out at had the flange, plactic welded for $100. I'm sure there is someone in your area.

The hoses are like $13 foot at the boat store, so check for the leak first.
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Old 09-06-2011, 12:37 PM   #7

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Originally Posted by sweet summertime View Post
The in-line odor filters work great. You need to replace it once per season. They're available at most marine suppliers. Cheers
In-line filters are installed on the vent line. It is true, they work great. As you flush contents into the holding tank, the air from the holding tank is displaced through the holding tank vent line. This causes an odor outside the boat (usually in the aft cockpit) each time someone flushes. The charcoal vent filter removes the odor from the vent as it's being flushed.

What the OP is describing sounds more like a leak in the sanitation line itself, or more likely old sanitation hose which is now permeating odor.

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