Scotchbrite damage to gel coat
We bought our boat back in May, today I finally got a chance to do some cleaning, waxing, polishing. The previous owner graciously removed the MAXUM, logo on one side of the boat and used sand paper or steel wool, or more likely one of those green scotchbrite pads, to remove the left over gunk. Needless to say the hull got scratched up from this. Today I tried to remove the scratches with no luck. My method was as follows.....
Washed the entire boat first and stripped all the old wax off, used turtle wax polishing compound on the scratched area over and over and over again. Used 3M marine wax over top of that over and over and over again. This was all done manually as I don't own an electric polisher and I do not have access to an electrical outlet where my boat is stored, bringing to my house is not an option for a number of reseasons. Spent 8 hours reapplying wax to the whole boat, I am currently completely out of elbow grease and just typing this is a pain. I have read a few things about wet sanding with 2000 and 1000 grit sand paper. Would this be my next step or is there another way?
Thank you for any advice.