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Old 08-27-2007, 07:26 PM   #1

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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Everett Wa
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Default Poulsbo weekend.

we just got back from a great weekend!!.....just fantastic!!..the weather was kinda iffy saturday but it only rained a little so...lets start with friday...I had the day off and my quarterly doc's appt....sugar looked good so I had a reason to celebrate!!......after the doc's appt. I ran to the marina to put the boat in the water and get her prepped.
The admiral got off work at about noon and came home to help pack...I finished packing and loading..got the dogs and AWAY WE GO!!!......get to the boat and everything is going great..the water looks good..light breeze and after we stop for gas at the Everett marina....we're on our way to poulsbo...it's a small nordic town that is just a great place to go...you'll find out in a minute why...
it takes about an hr and a half to get there and the water is very nice....not great but definitely not sea state 3!!..
we get to poulsbo and get parked ..the sun is beating down and it's friggin hot...Poulsbo is in a really protected bay....we get all tied up and power on at about 3:30 and we're good to go.....we go up for ice cream and pay our morage bill...we find out we have to move the next day which is no biggy ...it's reserved for a yacht club......while we're there, we are told that 2 other boaters might show up that we sometimes boat with......but not sure........after dinner and watch the sunsets and all...we watch MI3 and then off to bed....wake up early saturday and it's misty..possible rain and fog....it stays that way most of the day....
we go up to walk the dogs and meet up with a guy that works at bremerton naval shipyard ...he's the submarine safety director for the yard....we talk alot and make a good friend...he loves our shelties and exchanged emails!!. a really nice guy....
then after we go up to the world famous bakery of poulsbo for breakfast ..which consisted of boston cream pastry and marsha gets a chocolate covered donut...that and a hot cup of tea...on the boat...heaven!!..these things are fresh and just outstanding...for those that have been to poulsbo..you know!!!....
hemmingways...we go back to the boat and have to move to another slip ...as I move the boat the winds keeps twisting me as I back in to the slip...after about probably the 3rd try...the neighbor in the next slip comes out to help me get in....and we meet another new friend!!....Dale and his lovely wife just retired and bought a 26 ft Regal boat...really nice boat!!..narrow as hell compared to ours with the 9.5 ft beam....but we remembered our 2455 being that narrow so..we understood how he compared ours to his....we decided to have lunch together and made a good connection..they have never boated in the sound before and we're going to help them out...I gave them some pointers and they are excited to meet up with us for a trip to the san juans!!...
during lunch Mabuhi (tony and tess ) call and they are coming into poulsbo which we weren't sure they'd make it........so back to lunch with Dale and his wife and I then get a call from Mohawky!!...after lunch we meet up at my boat and I buy him a hard lemonaide and we get to know each other and have a few laughs...he was out attempting to murder some salmon but they were slicker than he was!!..just kidding pat...looking fwd to you showing us how to fish!! (I haven't fished since I was something like 12 with my dad back in Va.)....Really was great to finally meet up with mohawky!!...Great guy!!..hope to meet up more with ya bucky!!..
then here comes Beaker55....Bruce and Carolyn were out fishing for salmon and were really lucky...got 4 big ones!!.....well..there's dinner....we get together with thier passengers and go to town for some shopping...we decide to pot luck it and we had salmon with an awesome marinaide that I had in the boat , salad, fresh veggies as well as some sort of wild rice!!....between that and the huge dutch apple pie and icecream....we ate like kings!!...
we all ate and laughed it up telling stories of growing up and Tony getting shot at by his future father in law!!....
back to saturday...afternoon...we also helped out a guy that had just bought a used formula race boat...twin 496 cu. in engines ..it was about an hour old to him....it's 30 ft long and does something like 90mph...he was all pumped up about it ...his wife called it the mid-life crisis...she freaked when he told her how much gas it takes...200 gals and burns it at a rate of astronomical proportions!!..start that thing up, lift the bimbo pad ...and you'll see seagulls get sucked out of the air !!!.....she was not a happy camper!!...
sunday got up and I had to get home to meet up with my brother in law from oak harbor Wa....so...we left rather early...along with Mabuhi and our boat...we had to run the gauntlet of about a 100 boats off of shipwreck point ...all jockying for that huge salmon!!....the tide was low at our marina so we had to leave the boat tied to the dock to wait for the tide to come up before the forklift could pull us out.....I would return later today to put the power on..run the muffs and wash the hull......
we ran home and tossed everything into the house and met up for linner (late lunch and dinner) with the BIL (brother in law), then goofed around for a bit and saw them back off for oak harbor....
it was a busy weekend but we had a great time!!...had a few cat naps....great food!!...Great friends....New Friends!!!....gotta love it!!...don't get no better than that!!....

hope all had a great weekend and a wonderful adventure!!!....plus the seahawks won this weekends Game against minnisota!!!....

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Old 08-28-2007, 08:03 PM   #2
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: england
Posts: 174

no water time for me this weekend waved goodbye to the old boat on friday tea time,seemed strange seeing her sailing off with new owners never seen her sailing before as i was always on her,they are changing her name from bootsie(an old bulldog of mine) to some strange name there little monster has come up with (moony loony) still there boat there choice,hopefully by the end of next week i will have something else to get stressed out about.

1999 maxum 2800scr 6.2l b3
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