This happened Sunday morning, with lots of people around and in a very short amount of time. Story........boat was taken out of the water about a week ago for detail. Now the owner is not very maintenance savvy. Borrowed my trailer as he does not own a trailer for this boat.. Put boat back in Saturday morning, used it for about 2 hours and parked back in slip. Sunday morning I left my boat about 7:30 am and didn't notice anything. Dock neighbor sees boat at about 9:00 am, no different. Calls come in to marina staff at 10:00 saying boat looks funny and sitting low in the slip. 10:30, taking on so much water nobody can board or even try to put in bailing pump. Nobody noticed any bilge pumps running. This boat was bought used at auction, and never really had any due diligence. Diver stated that a cooling hose to the water pump had either split or the water pump housing cracked. The boat is now floated (diver closed seacock) and still sitting in its slip. Owner is out of town and won't be back until Wednesday. Motors and genset are sitting full of water. I told vessel assist they could borrow my trailer if the could guarantee me my trailer back in 48hrs, as I plan to pull my own boat in less than 2 weeks. They could not offer that guarantee..Not sure what will happen from here......
Point of this whole post and story.........fellow members, please check your bellows, seacocks, thru hulls, impeller housings, shaft seals, rudder packings, and any other places for water intrusion!!!!!
I welcome all discussion as it might help someone from this very same situation.....