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Old 05-14-2016, 08:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2015
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Default Oil

First I'd like to thank all you that respond to a newbie so quickly.

I had the fluids changed on my 4.3 Merc 2006 1800SR3 and had it out twice this season. Yesterday I was checking the fluids and noticed the engine oil about 1/4 above full line on the dip stick and the blue drive fluid reservoir between full and add levels.

The engine hadn't been run in a few days, so the question is should I remove some of the engine oil and top of the drive fluid or just leave them alone?

Thank you again

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Old 05-14-2016, 08:20 PM   #2
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Too much oil will increase blow by pressure around the piston rings, I would remove some.

Yes top of the gear lube.

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Old 05-16-2016, 01:38 PM   #3

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Did someone add too much oil? Or are you growing oil? (e.g. getting water in the oil). I would do an oil change and look at the oil you pumped out. If there is water in the oil it will look like 'coffee with cream' after running the engine.
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Old 05-16-2016, 02:27 PM   #4
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I have used in the past a oil pump out device to do my oil changes. I have also learned the hard way to check the dip stick to make sure I have pumped all the oil out.

After one time only getting about a quart out on the right engine and then filling it up with 4 more quarts then having to pump most of it out .....never again. I have drain hoses for the oil and when the boat is up on its winter blocks I oil change that way. This way I know everything comes out and all new goes back in. The end.

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Old 05-17-2016, 03:13 PM   #5

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You can top off the drive lube. That is filled from the outdrive and pumped up. Once it hits the resevoir you stop and it continues to slowly fill the resevoir. It takes a while to stop rising. If you pump until the lube reaches the FULL line, then when you stop it keeps rising and overflowing. I'm going to guess the service person, walked away and expected you to top off the remainder in the spring. That is typically how I do it as well.

The engine oil doesn't circulate in the dipstick tube. So if there is water in there, it wouldn't show up on the dip stick. You could suck out 1 -2 quarts and look at it rather than doing an entire oil change. You would run the engine first, then stop it and wait a few minutes, then pump out and look at the engine oil for the evidence of water.

If no water, top off the oil again until it is full.
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