05-24-2009, 03:59 AM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lake Mead Marina
Posts: 57
No more power...?
Hey guys: Took the family out on Lake Mead today, pretty nice but a bit windy. I rescued a guy and gal on a jet ski, towed them quite a ways. On my way back to the slip, we were doing fine, up on plane, when we lost power. The engine did not shut off, it just had little (very little) power. Gauges all read fine, the only thing I can think of is that it MAY be quite low on fuel. I planed to fuel-up when I got back to the dock, but considering something was wrong, I went straight for the slip.
Any ideas? Could it be that it is just low on fuel? The gas gauge is reading low, but not empty. Of course, under power it reads 2/3 like always - but I know that does not mean anything....
ThankS! :hello:
2001 Maxum 2700 SCR - Lake Mead, Nevada
05-24-2009, 05:42 AM
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Re: No more power...?
Did the engine sound ok? Was it missing or stalling? Would it idle alright?
An engine will produce the same amount of power whether it has 1 gallon or 100 gallons of fuel in tank. If there is a fuel delivery problem the engine will stumble and run rough.
Did the RPMs go up when you lost power? You may have just spun the prop hub.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
MMSI# 338052622
05-24-2009, 07:16 AM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lake Mead Marina
Posts: 57
Re: No more power...?
Thanks for the quick reply, I should have given more details.
Basically, we were fine, then came off plane. I could not get it to come back on plane. The RPMs did not go up, and it sounded a bit rough. If I had to go on my experience with cars, it seemed like a piston was not firing (or two). I checked the oil, it was fine, and the temp/pressure were fine too. The only thing I am sure of is that it is low on fuel.
Any ideas?
2001 Maxum 2700 SCR - Lake Mead, Nevada
05-24-2009, 11:15 AM
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Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 57
Re: No more power...?
has the fuel filter and/or water separator been changed lately? those are my first thoughts. I had a similar problem once, the inside of my distributor cap was corroded badly.
2100 SR2 5.7 - Bat out of hell
05-24-2009, 04:28 PM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lake Mead Marina
Posts: 57
Re: No more power...?
Not to my knowledge, I bought the boat used, but had the "stealership" go through the boat complete, or so they say. I understand a fuel filter, but what/where is the fuel separator?
Also, when I went to fill it last time, twice it burped fuel out of the fill hole. I was shocked and dismayed when the fuel came flying out like a volcano. Isn't this odd?
2001 Maxum 2700 SCR - Lake Mead, Nevada
05-25-2009, 02:25 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 59
Re: No more power...?
My guess is distributor cap. Merc uses one with aluminum points to save money and they corrode. Replacement will have brass points. To test that theory you can clean the points and try running.
05-25-2009, 08:14 AM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lake Mead Marina
Posts: 57
Re: No more power...?
OK, I filled 'er up with fuel. Took about 67 gallons, and it was not filled to the top. Took it out and it ran better (but not great). I could get it up on plane, but max speed was around 30 mph... formerly I got 39 mph on the GPS with three two passengers!
I will check the distributor cap, but I am shocked this new of a motor would us points - are you sure?
Another crazy question, does these motors have air filters? If not, where does the air come from? I am wondering if an air filter is clogged.
By the way, it has a 7.4L MPI
2001 Maxum 2700 SCR - Lake Mead, Nevada
05-25-2009, 05:05 PM
Lt. Commander
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Re: No more power...?
If youve run low on fuel i would change the water seperator/filter as you may have pulled some **** up
especially s you say it ran better with a full tank
05-26-2009, 02:42 AM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lake Mead Marina
Posts: 57
Re: No more power...?
Originally Posted by zt260
If youve run low on fuel i would change the water seperator/filter as you may have pulled some **** up
especially s you say it ran better with a full tank
We her on the water today, with 4 adults and 2 kids, we could not get on plane. Earlier in the day, I took it out solo, same as before, definitely lacking power. I was going to pull the distributor cap, but I ran out of time.
I sadly could not see where the water seperator/filter is located. Could someone post a picture or a description please? The owner's manual does not mention this all.
2001 Maxum 2700 SCR - Lake Mead, Nevada
05-26-2009, 07:02 AM
Lt. Commander
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Re: No more power...?
Follow the fuel line from the tank it should be the first thing you come to looks like an oil filter.
06-01-2009, 06:54 PM
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Re: No more power...?
If this is a carbeurated engine, then you should have a spark arrester under the cowl which sits above the carb. There is no air filter since there's not much dust and dirt out on the water.
You could check to make sure the spark arrestor isn't gummed up as well. Bad plugs, wires or distributor is a good place to look as well. Can you get the RPM's up in neutral or does this only occur under way? Are youre RPM's where they should be and simply not getting much speed? Maybe you have a spun prop.
Fuel burping out of the fuel fill can happen depending on the fuel pump and the boat. If the pump fills faster than the fill hose can deliver to the tank, or if there is a problem with the tank vent, the gas can fill the hose faster than the hose can deliver to the tank and a backflow of fuel can occur. I also experience this at a fuel station where the water is rough. As the boat rocks with heavy waves, the gas will slosh and essentially block the fill, which if filling too fast will also cause gas to backup the fill hose. Listen to the sound of the fuel, the pitch will increase as the tank fills. You can almost hear when it's about to 'blow' and I quickly release the handle on the pump and wait a few seconds before continuing to fill. I also don't pump fuel 'wide open', I use a little english on the trigger. It takes longer to fill the tank and can be a pain, but the folks at the fuel dock would prefer waiting, rather than dealing with fuel spills.
06-02-2009, 05:51 PM
Lt. Commander
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Re: No more power...?
Whats a little english?
06-02-2009, 06:28 PM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lake Mead Marina
Posts: 57
Re: No more power...?
Thanks guys. I did change the fuel filter and it was not the issue. The pro's are looking at it now and I am getting ready to bend over... :?
2001 Maxum 2700 SCR - Lake Mead, Nevada
06-02-2009, 07:34 PM
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Posts: 5,715
Re: No more power...?
Sorry ZT, certainly no offense. I think that is a colloquial term probably a little more common (probably uncommon) in the US. Used it and abused it mostly around the riding motorcycles. The most common way I've heard it used is around throttle control, where guys would run WOT when they probably shouldn't be, such as on motorcycles and dirtbikes in technical spots. When someone should be excercising fine control of the throttle, such as to maintain control in a corner, we'd say "Use a little English on the throttle in that corner....yadda, yadda, yadda. As in, 'stay on the throttle, but do so judicously so as not to lose control.'
For all I know it's a very LOCAL term to my area. I've heard it and used it for so many years it's become part of the vernicular. I suspect it probably comes from a concepetion that the British are bit more refined and reserved as opposed us American 'yahoo's'. (Hey, i'd take that as a compliment  .
Again, I certainly meant no offense by that and it was admittedly done without consideration for other's in our here inour global community. My sincerest apologies if this offended anyone  ops:
06-02-2009, 08:07 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Re: No more power...?
OK, I felt so bad I had to look it up. It's colloquial term that started in the US in reference to Britsh billiard players who would hit the ball putting a 'slice' or 'draw' (hitting the queue ball left or right of center) to force it to curve. The term "Put a little English" on it was born from that. It seems to have morphed to apply to almost anything where fine control can or should be used to control direction, etc. In my case we used it to refer to situations where when a bike or car slides into a corner (today they might refer to it as 'drifting'), you can maintain fine control by cautiously controlling the throttle to control the slide.
I guess I used it to maintain fine control while pumping gas. Probably not the best use of the phrase.
06-04-2009, 07:44 AM
Lt. Commander
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Re: No more power...?
No offence taken at all just wondered what it ment.
06-05-2009, 02:58 PM
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Re: No more power...?
If it's a 7.4MPI does it also have "SmartCraft"? If so, there is a guardian feature that will dampen the throttle when there is an issue, ie, overheating, low oil pressure, etc.
Just a thought.
Skål, Todd
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06-05-2009, 07:47 PM
Lt. Commander
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Re: No more power...?
I have heard the term many times here in Wisconsin, the internet really makes you take notice! The most common use is in golf here.
2006 Maxum 2000 SR3
06-06-2009, 05:00 AM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lake Mead Marina
Posts: 57
Re: No more power...?
The Marina shop has evaluated my Maxum. The verdict is that the distributor cap and rotor were shot, something about the rotor not being pushed down all the way and it was wearing a hole in the cap...? I looked in there briefly and did not notice. They also said the tip was missing on one of the spark plugs, he said he is going to show me. I have no idea and hope that he meant the tip on the top, not the electrode. Anyway, they say she is running like a champ and I owe them $265 total for the repair... seems reasonable.
I am sad that I can not personally test it out for nearly a month due to business travels
2001 Maxum 2700 SCR - Lake Mead, Nevada
06-08-2009, 02:15 AM
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Re: No more power...?
Thanks for letting us know what happened.....kinda wierd......but I've seen a car do that before...usually the wires are going resistive and causing the electrodes on the DC to melt or erode...
sorry you can't get to the boat now.....but...if you need me to test it for you..let me know..I might be able to catch a flight out there to lend a hand!! :mrgreen: ..ok..just kidding...
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