07-28-2006, 02:22 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 298
When we were shopping a few months ago I didn’t know a Bayliner from a Maxum from a Sea Ray. I had heard of them of course, but didn’t know they were all part of U.S. Marine. The dealer had Bayliners and Maxums and we were able to do side by side comparisons and the difference was big. The fit and finish and overall refinement of the Maxum was apparent with the Bayliners being obvous entry level boats. Sure you can get some of the bigger Bayliners optioned out to compete but there is still a overall “basic” feel to the BL’s. Then we went to look at the Sea Rays and there was the same difference between them and the Maxums as with the Maxums and BL’s. The quality of the vender bolt ons were just ‘one up’ from the Maxums. So it came down between price versus options. So we decided on the fully optioned Maxum over the less optioned Sea Ray (which still cost more then the Maxum).
Of course what Franco is referring to are engineering design issues rather than supplier item (gauges, cleats, steering wheel, carpet etc) quality. After our first week we started to notice a few things that we could recommend an improvement on. First, when entering the boat through the transom step, the step down is about 18”. A heck of a step for anyone. It’s awkward as you have to kneel down put your foot down to the deep step below and sort of ‘fall’ into the boat. It’s easier with the cushion in place but who wants all the traffic stepping on your cushion? So we have a constant cushion on/cushion off workout when on the water which is annoying, especially with six or seven people on board.
Second, and it sounds trivial but it all adds up, are the cup holders. It was nice of them to include two deep cup holders up at the bow but they are placed behind the passengers. No one uses them due to their placement. The helm cup holder and front passenger seat holder are identical and their problem is that they are only an inch deep. Going over a wake bounces a can right out. The cup holders in the pull out tray on the engine compartment are basically just little indentations. They can’t be used when under way. People take drinks on boats, our boat isn’t drink friendly. Boo.
Other than that no ‘engineering’ issues although open bow runabouts are pretty simple designs.
So, the Maxum was the perfect balance between cost and quality. We stopped by a Cobalt and Chaparral dealer and they were extremely nice boats although I could get two Maxums for the price of one of those. I told my wife, “there is no way I’m paying $42K for a 18’ runabout”. In our opinion the Maxums have a younger feel to them. The Sea Rays/Cobalts/Chaparrals are appointed to impress the retired crowd. I’m 38 years old and don’t want to drive a boat that feels and looks like my grand-dads Caddy.
We want a 24’ to 27’ sport cruiser in three years and I will definitely look at Maxums first.
07-31-2006, 04:45 AM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 84
My friend got the 24 maxum cruiser last summer and its really a sweet boat.
It looks like I found my maxum. After looking at about 20 boats I found the 2002 2300SC. Really nice size Cud/Cab with a head with curtains and a sink. Hes also got some toys on the boat GPS VHF Etc.. I love the size, and its only got 100 hours on it. Its super clean and ready to go. I will be putting in my offer tom. All depending how the motor checks out (Looked really super clean in my eyes) but I will still get someone to survey it. Will keep you posted!!!!!!! I really think this is the one!
http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e177/ ... 23foot.jpg
07-31-2006, 05:30 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 298
Originally Posted by MaxumNewbie
My friend got the 24 maxum cruiser last summer and its really a sweet boat.
It looks like I found my maxum. After looking at about 20 boats I found the 2002 2300SC. Really nice size Cud/Cab with a head with curtains and a sink. Hes also got some toys on the boat GPS VHF Etc.. I love the size, and its only got 100 hours on it. Its super clean and ready to go. I will be putting in my offer tom. All depending how the motor checks out (Looked really super clean in my eyes) but I will still get someone to survey it. Will keep you posted!!!!!!! I really think this is the one!
http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e177/ ... 23foot.jpg
Awesome boat! 100 hours on the engine? Sweet! I've got 26 hours on my six week old boat!
07-31-2006, 06:54 PM
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lk Stevens, WA
Posts: 113
Glad you found a boat! That couple of extra feet really makes a difference!
Hope your sea trial goes great!
A know Franco has some issues with his boat, and has done a great job with some of the mods to help.
Never been a real fan of the 5.0 carbed - heck the 6cyl 4.3 MPI has the same HP 220, and weighs over 100lbs less.
07-31-2006, 07:17 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 84
I hear that, but I wont change the engine unless I can trade it. What kind of mods did franco do?
07-31-2006, 08:23 PM
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lk Stevens, WA
Posts: 113
Click on his link - I know he had some problems with the wiring diagram that came with his boat- Ours was OK and matched what was in the boat.
I doubt 23' your looking at has 5.0 carb, it's the base engine on the 21'. Do you know what engine option is in it?
07-31-2006, 08:28 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 84
No link to click on...
It comes with The Merc 5.0 230hp, I dont know what carbed means.
07-31-2006, 08:34 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 84
oh, his link, sorry read that wrong..
07-31-2006, 08:44 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 298
Originally Posted by MaxumNewbie
No link to click on...
It comes with The Merc 5.0 230hp, I dont know what carbed means.
Carbed = 'Carburetor' (as opposed to 'fuel injection'.)
Fuel injection is more efficient, less emissions, less troublesome, easier starting, just all around better. Fuel injection has been govt madated on all automobiles since '86.
Carbs cost less for the manufacturer to supply and cheaper for the consumer to replace than fuel injection, althouth fuel injection is essentially problem free.
08-04-2006, 11:39 AM
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Springfield Virginia
Posts: 142
I must have missed the thread where you dedided to buy...
What did you settle on? If you're out on the water this weekend listen to channel 16 for Sempre Veloce and just bust in on any conversation you may hear.
CINC house hasn't set forth the weekend schedule, but I'm sure she'll want to be out on the water. I prefer to get out early 9-10ish and return before the blazing heat of the afternoon and all the goof-balls at Occaquan state park. Now there's an afternoon's entertainment, just too bad they don't let you have adult beverages, or I would sit in the shade and have a good laugh after doing the wipe down of my boat.
Where abouts do you have your boat in NOVA?
08-05-2006, 04:11 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 298
Originally Posted by Franco_2100SC
I must have missed the thread where you dedided to buy...
What did you settle on? If you're out on the water this weekend listen to channel 16 for Sempre Veloce and just bust in on any conversation you may hear.
CINC house hasn't set forth the weekend schedule, but I'm sure she'll want to be out on the water. I prefer to get out early 9-10ish and return before the blazing heat of the afternoon and all the goof-balls at Occaquan state park. Now there's an afternoon's entertainment, just too bad they don't let you have adult beverages, or I would sit in the shade and have a good laugh after doing the wipe down of my boat.
Where abouts do you have your boat in NOVA?
Hey Franco. I bought a 2006 1800SR-3 a little over a month ago from Holly Acres. that lead me to here.
We boat down in Lake Anna. It's only a 20 minute tow from my house. It's only 20 minutes to Fairview Beach also.
How long is it from Fairview Beach to Capt. Billy's? We want to try that some evening.
08-07-2006, 11:59 AM
Lt. Commander
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Location: Springfield Virginia
Posts: 142
capn Billy
Its about 20 to 30 minuts past Tims II where we hung out this weekend with about 200 other boats.. The crab house at Billy's is a little hard to discern since there are two locations side by side. We have been to the establishment that is closest to the 301 bridge and tie up out at the pier end as it gets real shallow when the tide is out.
I keep my radio on ch 16 all the time and listen for folks calling "Sempre Veloce" that's the best way to hook up with others. If you don't have a marine radio installed it is really prudent to carry a hand held at a minimum. You can pick one up for less than a tank full of gas.
What's your boat's name and I will keep an ear out for you...
08-08-2006, 09:36 PM
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Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 84
We finally agreed on a price. Deposit sent, Sea Trial, Surey/compression check this thursday 2pm. Cross my fingers.
08-10-2006, 10:32 PM
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Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 84
Just got back, Boat was mint, sea trial went awesome. The surveyor was breaking his head trying to find something wrong. The only 2 things we found wrong was it needed a powerhose to clean the bottom and the prop area, he said the reason the speedometer wasnt working was because it was alittle stuffed. The other thing was the left manifold was running a few degrees hotter which he said was also just a cleaning. Otherwise we are good to go. Hopefully I can close this weekend and be in the water begining this coming week....
08-10-2006, 10:55 PM
Lt. Commander
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Location: Lk Stevens, WA
Posts: 113
Good deal!
Here is a post I did about non- working speedos, it's common for these to plug up!
Assuming that you have an Alph I/O, there is a VERY LITTLE hole on the leading edge of the drive. You might not even see it if you don’t look closely, but you can certainly feel it if you run your finger along the front edge. It’s above the “bullet”, but below the cavitation plate.
Anyway, it’s a little “V” shaped hole in the front edge. Take a small drill bit or wire and push it in the hole. If you insert the bit and it goes in about 3” and hits metal, you don’t have a clog. If it doesn’t go in 3” or you don’t hit metal, turn the bit BY HAND (don’t use a drill), and it will grab the clog. Pull the bit out, remove the debris from the bit, and do it again, until you get the bit to insert all the way and hit metal. Then you are unclogged.
If you remove the clog (or didn’t have one to begin with) and your speedo still doesn’t work, look above the front of the cavitation plate. There is a plastic connector. Take it loose by turning it (counter-clockwise, I believe), then blow thru the hole on the leading edge. You should be able to blow through. I did it with my own air, no problem.
If you don’t have a clog in the hole and are able to blow through, then you either have a clog in the line you just disconnected, or the speedo diaphragm is broken. The next step would be to disconnect the tube from the back of the speedo and blow back toward the drive, with the hose still disconnected at the drive. Don’t blow towards the speedo with the tube connected, or you will rupture the speedo diaphragm.
08-21-2006, 01:23 PM
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Springfield Virginia
Posts: 142
Wouldn't ya just know it... I read that and last weekend with all the slime in the Northern Potomac, my speedo stopped working. Pulled it out on the ramp and located the little "V" and sure enough there was a twig jammed right in the front. I pulled it out with my fingers, re-dunked the boat, but no luck the speedo was still stuck at 30 MPH.. Back on the trailer, and I pulled the air hose from the back of the speedo. Woosh I heard a rush of air. Tried blowing on the hose, but to no avail. Plugged it back into the speedo and tried going back in the water still no luck.. Gave up that night and went back to the boat the next day with some very fine Piano wire(about the size of 5lb test nylon line). The caviety behind the "V" was nowhere near 3"s deep on mine it felt more like the size and shape of a Hershy Kiss or small marble. Anyway I twisted and pulled and eventually removed some blades of seaweed/sawgrass. Then I tried a bicycle pump on the air hose from the back of the speedo towards the transom. One last test was to see if I could not gently blow on the pipe and have air move. Finally, we dragged the boat up to the house hooked up a garden hose and sent a jet of water at the "V"- - - Success at last.
I related all this to give you some ideas. Hopefully you just have a bit of dirt jammed at the front of the V and nothing else.
I would really like to know what the cavity behind that v looks like in reality. I would guess that it’s an area about the size of a dime with a pinhole at the top. Water enters the chamber and pressure builds as speed increases. The air pressure in turn registers on the Speedo... That's my guess.
08-27-2006, 02:14 AM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 84
YEEEEHA. Got my very first boat.. 2002 Maxum 2300 SC... Picked it up friday from long island, took it in to brooklyn by water, it was a 3 hour ocean ride in.. Beatifull day, less than a foot waves.. Smooth sailed at 32 mph...
I am super excited, I will post the picks tomorrow.
Thanks for all the input all of you gave.
08-28-2006, 06:37 AM
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