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Old 05-18-2009, 02:17 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2009
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Default New guy with new guy questions

Hello everyone I bout my first Maxum boat today well my first boat period and I have no idea what Model it is and I was hoping someone can clarify it for me as the previous owner has no idea lol. It is a 1990 and looks to me to be 21' and what looks to be a us marine 2cycle four cylinder engine, and is an L drive (whatever that means) It also has a cuddy cabin. Also the interior is in bad shape and will be a project of mine this year. As it is I can't get the motor to start because the starter does not engage but it is getting voltage to it so I assume it needs a new starter. My blower doesn't work either and I haven't figured that out yet. and info or suggestions would be helpfull. I paid $600 for this boat and I would like to get it looking good again.

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Old 05-19-2009, 03:10 AM   #2
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Default Re: New guy with new guy questions

I think you have a 2100LDC. It has a rare 120hp Force L-drive. When US Marine created Force they kinda morphed Chrysler Outboard and some Mercury technology together to create a less-expensive outboard. Then they came up with a pretty novel idea, the L-Drive. It paired a pretty much standard outboard powerhead with the standard lower unit, but instead of stacking the powerhead atop the lower unit, they ran them side-by-side, powerhead in the front, and transmitted power to the lower unit with the flywheel, thus making a very low-profile, lightweight unit.

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Old 05-19-2009, 07:16 PM   #3

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Default Re: New guy with new guy questions

welcome to the zoo...Mr. Tglee did a fine job answering your question...so..keep on posting!! :hello:

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Old 05-21-2009, 03:17 AM   #4
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Default Re: New guy with new guy questions

Thanks alot for the info it came in handy. I did correct a few things I had wrong the boat is actually a 1990 and from what I have learned it has the 120hp motor. My starter was bad so I put a new one in today and my blower was bad as well so I also replaced that. I also found my bilge pump to be bad so I am putting a new one in tomorrow. I also went and got some good 2 cycle oil today and mixed it according to the engine specs and filled the tank with 87 octane. I gave it a short test start today and it ran great Tomorrow I'm going to take it out to the lake near by and make sure it doesn't take on water and that everything is functional. Does anyone have any idea about mating a different ourboard engine to this if I ever want to get more power? Thanks again for the help tglee
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Old 05-21-2009, 03:57 AM   #5

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Default Re: New guy with new guy questions

glad everything is going well and your getting her back in shape....make sure that when you run the engine ..you have muffs to get water to the engine or even a short time running dry will ruin the impeller on the water pump...as a matter of fact...replace the impeller so you can have some peace of mind...

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Old 05-21-2009, 05:42 AM   #6
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Default Re: New guy with new guy questions

Does anyone have any idea about mating a different ourboard engine to this if I ever want to get more power?
You really can't. I think that is one of the reasons L-drives never caught on. I have seen remanufactured 120hp powerheads selling for just under $2,000.

There were three different versions of 120hp L-drives made. They are known as "A", "B" and "C". You will need to know which one you have when you buy parts.

Here is a forum dedicated to L-drives:http://www.themarinedoctor.com/cgi-b...pl?board=LDS/0

For those that have never seen one:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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Old 05-21-2009, 10:56 PM   #7
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Default Re: New guy with new guy questions

got it out on the water today and it started great but after I got passed the no wake zone and gave it some throttle the boat power would surge ( felt like a clutch slipping on a car) around 2500rpm. It would shake the whole engine so I took it down to 2000rpm and it wouldn't do it so I putted around the water for a while and as I came back to put it on the trailer it would do the same problem even at lower rpms. anyone have any ideas about that? I will also look at the forum you gave me tglee. Thanks alot for your info.
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Old 05-22-2009, 05:30 PM   #8
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I would start by cleaning the carbs especially if its been stood for a while
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Old 05-22-2009, 08:16 PM   #9
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Default Re: New guy with new guy questions

thanks for the info gazjen I will give that a try. I was on the other forum and the marine doctor seems to think my gears may be going bad in the lower. I hope thats not the case but if it is I found a new one for $1500 and a used one for $750. I would rather not have to replace the lower at all but or a $600 boat I was expecting something to not work right. I found out I have the model 120ld90c so if anyone here has a lower that is in good condition that can beat the above prices let me know.

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