06-20-2012, 11:46 AM
Join Date: Jun 2012
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New boat owner questions
I am a new owner of a 2000 Maxum 2300 Sc with a 5.7 mercruiser (250hp) alpha 1 Gen 2. This boat is completely stock with only general parts replaced (such as belts, pumps, starters, and batteries) No improvements have been made to it yet. I know it has the stock original propeller on the boat (only 170 hours when purchased) without any trim tabs. after taking the boat out all weekend I noticed a few things I would like to improve. I am only getting 32mph to 35mph between 3500 and 4500 rpm. for 1k rpm I only gain 1 mph or nothing at all. Also the need of a trim tab is nearly unbearable.
So the questions are what kind of propeller will give me higher top end and untilize the full rpm range without wasting fuel?
I noticed that there are pros and cons with using Smart tabs versus the bennett tabs....My boat is bigger than most posters with 18 to 19 ft boats, would the smart tab system work on mine with 90lb as stated on the website, better yet has any one tried it on a 23 ft boat?
06-20-2012, 01:47 PM
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Location: Fairfax Va
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That boat with that power package running a half tank of fuel and 2 aboard should top out somewhere between 45 to 50 MPH at WOT. Assuming everything engine related is in proper order (and it would seem to be since you are getting it to 4500) then I'd still suspect the prop. The stock aluminum 3 blade prop should push the boat to at least 45 MPH.
As trim tabs go, I don't have any experience with smart tabs. I do have experience with Bennett's though, since I installed them on my 2004 2400 SC3 - which is similar to your 2300 SC. The smart tabs are considerably less expensive and easier to install but they do have limits. From reading forums and looking at all the boats in my marina (not one of which had ST's installed) I think the general concensus is that ST's may work well on smaller, lighter boats. Biggest compromise with ST's is you cannot adjust them while running to compensate for sea state or for weight distribution on the boat. Wasn't a compromise I was willing to make. If you choose adjustible tabs you might also consider Lenco's.
06-20-2012, 03:46 PM
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06-20-2012, 06:39 PM
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Also the need of a trim tab is nearly unbearable.
just curious on what is unbearable? boat leaning on plane, wind, or wakes?
I have the 2800scr and i drove it without a trim tab after it fell off, and now replaced them.
even the wind will roll the boat over on plane, but this boat has a larger profile.
06-21-2012, 07:31 PM
Lt. JG
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I have got a 1999 2300 SC with 7.4L and Bravo III and she will run right at 60mph. I have Bennett manual tabs on mine and highly recommend them, absolute day and night difference without them.
06-22-2012, 01:02 AM
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Posts: 3
My prop is original and a bit damaged, I wanted to figure out what would be the best prop to use, size, angle, and metal type. I am also probably going to add lenco trim tabs. Anyone have any assistance in this? Thanks in advanced
06-22-2012, 02:02 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Are you trimming out the drive at all when getting these numbers? I would expect to see the speeds increase somewhat as you trim the drive out. If the prop is damaged, you should definitely get that fixed. A 23 ft. cruiser needs tabs. I would look into the tabs first, then consider having the props tuned, then see where you are from there. Then consider replacing the prop and either selling the one you have or keeping it as a spare.
06-22-2012, 03:19 PM
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I have a 2001. Top speed on mine seems to be around 42 MPH with a 19P prop. I have the smart tabs and they seem to work well.
2001 Maxum 2300SC/5.7(250HP) Mercruiser Alpha One Gen 2
06-22-2012, 04:06 PM
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Trimming the drive once on plane will pick up a few MPH but not the 10 MPH that is missing. Tabs will help it get on plane a little quicker but of course won't do anything for top end.
At this point my guess is that the current prop is damaged more than is visable or it actually doesn't have the correct prop on it.
06-27-2012, 07:57 PM
Lt. JG
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 16
Nice to meet you, bleak. I am in the same boat as you (Ha Ha) in that I too am a new owner and still learning my machine. I have a 2002 2300 SC with the 5.0L 220 hp Alpha 1 and also 170 hrs. I keep mine on Vancouver Island and have only driven it once for a couple of hours. The prop is a beat up Mercury 19" Pitch. I used it that one time only for reference as my first purchase was to be a new prop (I never run damaged props). I was surprised I got 41 mph GPS at 4600 rpm on this prop. I had three people on board, full tanks and all the gear I will ever carry. I have no trim tabs or ventilation plates. So that should serve as a reference for you.
Despite the dealer telling me otherwise during his pre delivery test run, I found the holeshot to be acceptable and low planing speeds to be good. He advised switching to a 4 blade prop.
I did however notice a few things I wasn't happy with and perhaps others could weigh in on this briefly (I think it is in line with this thread):
The trim is VERY narrow range of operation. Three seconds on the button and I am at trailering position. Is this normal? My outboard takes closer to 10-12 seconds to travel the full range.
The Faria trim gauge jumps all over the place during trimming and takes a second to settle after releasing the button (anyone else observe this? Where is the sensor?) and,
the prop ventilates VERY easily.
I've recently ordered a set of Piranha composite props in 18" and 20" 4-blade configuration. I've used these on my outboard and everyone Ive known who owns Piranhas thinks they are better than aluminum.
I've also ordered the Smart Tabs SX series model 90 for the boat. Going to wait a bit to see how the new prop works and will add them later but TOO many have said these puppies are a Gawd-send, (they cost less than half a tank of fuel so why not?). I use a Doel-Fin on my 17' outboard and think the same of it. I may even try it on the Maxum. Will let you know how all these turn out on the water.
06-27-2012, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by majbach
The trim is VERY narrow range of operation. Three seconds on the button and I am at trailering position. Is this normal? My outboard takes closer to 10-12 seconds to travel the full range.
The Faria trim gauge jumps all over the place during trimming and takes a second to settle after releasing the button (anyone else observe this? Where is the sensor?)
That does not seem right, that is for sure. Have you tested this with motor off? Can you confirm that it is really going from Full Down to Full Up in only 3 seconds or could it be just the guage reading Full Up when outdrive is not really up?
So basically there are 2 trim senders on the outdrive. The Starboard side switch is the Trim Sender. This is what operates the guage and tells it how high the outdrive is. Generally this is adjusted to read dead on the Down line when Full Down. The Port side switch is the Trim Limit switch. This is the switch that kills the trim motor once you have reached partial Up. There is an adjustment for this where you measure from trim cylinder pins until you get it to be 20-3/4 inches (this is for my year A1G2 though). This limits the Trim to this range and you must use Trailer to get it Full Up.
Now if you really are going from Full Down to Full Up that fast, I would guess there is an issue on the trim pump or something. Never really played with this much but it is just a motor drive hydraulic pump with pressure relief valves and such. Maybe one has failed and is producing too much pressure causing it to extend the trim cylinders fully in seconds.
As far as the guage bouncing around, that could be a faultty guauge or a sign of the Trim Sender going bad. They are known for the wires falling apart right at the unit so inspect that if you can. I used Liquid Electrical tape on mine to seal them up and buy a bit more time on them. These are just simple variable voltage devices and you can monitor it with a meter if you have one. The Voltage reading should change smoothly as you trim up and down. If you see it going all over the place, it is probably bad.
06-28-2012, 01:41 AM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Chain O' Lakes, IL
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I have the Smart Tab II (1610) set-up on our 2400 SC3 (cuddy). IMO, they work, but are a PITA. The boots leak and then the struts go bad. The boat starts to really list and you have to pull it to see whats going on. After purchasing a set 4 replacements, I wished I had gone with electric trim tabs where you can adjust for load, especially while running under the night time 25 mph speed limit. I also didn't like the short bolts and limited number of nuts and washers they gave me. Again, JMO. I know a guy with a 21' open bow who really loves them, but I doubt he runs with the majority of the load in the rear of boat.
06-28-2012, 04:06 AM
Lt. JG
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Posts: 16
Originally Posted by mcoffey
That does not seem right, that is for sure. Have you tested this with motor off? Can you confirm that it is really going from Full Down to Full Up in only 3 seconds or could it be just the guage reading Full Up when outdrive is not really up?
Thanks. I'll look into this and get back to ya so I don't steal this thread.
06-28-2012, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by AlwaysSober
I wished I had gone with electric trim tabs where you can adjust for load, especially while running under the night time 25 mph speed limit.
I used Bennett tabs on my SC3, probably the most useful improvement I've made to the boat, followed closely by the magnet that keeps the transom idoor n the open position without banging.
06-30-2012, 04:07 PM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Chain O' Lakes, IL
Posts: 99
Originally Posted by ss3964spd
I used Bennett tabs on my SC3, probably the most useful improvement I've made to the boat, followed closely by the magnet that keeps the transom idoor n the open position without banging.
Magnets? Dooh! 6 1/2 seasons of "Shut the damn door!" when I could have been in boating bliss?
Thanks for the heads up Dan. If Big Max doesn't drain my bank account this season, I'll get real tab actuators put on lil max this winter.
07-07-2012, 02:41 PM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 3
I now have over 20 hours out on Lake erie with the new boat. I have added a few features, Lenco 12x12 trim tabs with Led read out (absolutely night and day in the hole shot and a godsend when considering how shallowing some of the western lake erie parts are. The boat has been fully serviced and gone over by my local marina and all parts replaced that was needed (not fun on the pocket book). I pulled the boat at the end of this week to figure out the propeller options, my local repair shop wants $90 plus tax to repair my 16 x 19 3 blade aluminum prop, seems a waste to me since I would like to find a better prop. My prop shop told me to go to a 4 blade, but I was concerned with the loss in overall speed since after tabs I can acheive 36mph at 4300rpm. Any ideas?
07-07-2012, 03:00 PM
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As an engineer the prop question has baffled and frustrated me since getting a boat. I want there to be an equation, chart, or tool to tell me what prop is the best for my boat. Unfortunately that is not the case. From all the research I have done, you can use the mercury prop selection tool to try and determine the best prop, but that will really only be a starting point. Because every boat is different (loading, hull shape, tabs/no tabs, weight distribution, planned use) the bottom line is it's a preference thing and the only real way to figure out the right prop is find a good shop that will let you try a couple different ones out.
Good Luck.
07-29-2012, 12:39 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 6
I have the exact same boat with the exact same set up. Lenco tabs installed this year.
Difference is amazing with and with out tabs. After putting them on, there is now way this boat should be ever be run without tabs. Even my wife notices the difference riding as a passenger.
I can hit 45 mph on a clear day, but rarely do i ever run that fast, the ocean is usually too choppy.
I have an aluminum 3 blade 19p prop. Was thinking of going to something similar in stainless steel. Let me know what you end up with and how you like it.
07-31-2012, 10:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 7
I have a 1996 not the gen 2 BUT sounds just like a heated conversation I had with the salesman that promised me the boat would do mid 40s. I traded a 19 ft bayliner 5.0 4 barrel 50-55 mph so i was used to it and really talked about speed when picking this out. Long story short we split the cost of a steeper pitch stainless prop now I can 45 on a good day but always over 40 and no tabs needed at all.
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