good news is the boats not going anywhere in this market.....
hours don't matter 100 either way, like a used car 80k, or 90k?
more importantly:
look for wear, mis colored gel coat, means repaired.
trans pin bushing, look for white salt trails, as they only last 10 years, and have to pull the engine to replace.
engine coupler wear, another engine pull to repair.
manifolds, look for rust, pull an elbow.
wiring, make sure everything works.
unplug the boat, and try it the next day to see if battery are dead, this would be a short.
A/C boat, and windlass..... with out no resale value.
check ebay for similar, lot of hurricane sandy boats for sail.
check trim tab hinges, for rush, and broken tabs.
fill holding tanks for leak test.
offer 20% less