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Old 10-06-2011, 03:07 AM   #1
Lt. JG
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Canby, OR. USA
Posts: 30
Default Need a new Dink

I just sold my 10'2 Achilles dink with the high pressure floor. Great boat, great performance, great, great....just way too big for our little 28' cruiser. Because of it's size I only used it a couple of times a year. Listed it on Craigslist and sold it to the first guy that looked at it. I would like to get a smaller boat. With the minimal use I don't think that I need to spend the money on another high end boat. It won't be stored out in the sun, on the boat or sitting in the water all season. We will inflate a couple of times a year and throw it on the bow. That was the problem with the other boat. It took up the whole front of the boat and was difficult to launch and retrieve due to its size. I'm thinking about something like a 8'6" boat. I think a PVC boat would be just fine. Baltic, Mercury, another Achilles??

97 2700 SCR 7.4l BII
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Old 10-06-2011, 03:49 AM   #2
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I use a sea eagle, SE9. I also have a 28'
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Old 10-06-2011, 05:20 AM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710

i twice had a suzumar from suzuki, 8 inch once with a 4 and the other with a 5 HP in dollars i payed both times about 2000 dollar brand new here in holland.....the both had an inflateble bottom.....for having some fun and bringin the dog on land that was perfect.....i also layed the boat on the bow odf my 2855 i had, and the motor i stored on the door at the back. perfect solution......(for me)


this is with a 2,5 HP, with 4 or 5 HP few dollars more

succes, greatz out of a stormy netherlands, ed
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:17 PM   #4

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What is the size of the OB you're using? In an 8'6" there are options. PVC delaminates over time, but particularly if it's stored in the sun. This limits the lifespan if you lashed to the deck, stored in davits or in water and towed. Hypalon handles prolonged exposure to both sun and punctures, but is a bit tougher to roll up, is a bit heavier and more expensive. If you want the lightest weight and most compact when rolled up, a 'roll-up' is the best. This has a single layer rubber floow with the 6 slats. A West Marine (Zodiac) RU60/62 will fit this bill. These are not as easy to load/unload people and gear. This does not have an imflatable keel or floor. So it won't really plane. It is great for anything up to a 5HP. 8'6" with inflatable floor and keel will roll up nicely, as compared to a folding wood floor. It will plane and handle a larger HP motor.

It really depends on the size of your motor and how fast you intend on going. My personal preference is an 8'6" with an inflatable floor and keel in Hypalon. That will be my next Dink. I have the roll-up with teh rubber floor and slats, but I run a Honda 2HP and it works just fine for my needs.
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