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Old 02-08-2010, 03:04 AM   #1
Lt. JG
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Kentucky
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Default My Marina Woesssssss

They have been working on a new marina project here in Clarksville, TN for the last year and are about to open the marina in late May early June. I requested a slip as soon as they offered them up but haven't heard anything form the organization until today. They have asked me to secure my 28 foot slip with a small deposit and would provide additional info within days of opening the marina. Here's the "WOESSSS" part. When I inquired about securing a slip I had every intention of staying in the area for quite a few more years. Unfortunately, the company I work for had an opening at another Army Base close to family so I decided to take that position in order to be closer to my family as my Dad is struggleing with Lung Cancer.
So now I will be loosing out on some prime waterfront dock space and I bet it will be difficult to get a slip in this marina once all is up and running. However, my dicision to move was based on family needs. I wold have loved to have been part of this marina as they have been talking about it for years and now it is finally coming to a head.

But on a side note, is 1500 a good price for a 28 foot uncovered slip????

What would really upset me is if the company decided to change the plan of that new position and tell me that it's not available. Then I would be loosing out on two things instead of the one. The closeness to my father and the loss of a slip for which I know will be difficult to get after the fact.

Just a small rant.....

Oh, and to make matter a little more cloudy, I'm currently deployed support the troops in Afghanistan.......So I can't even work with the marina to try and save me a spot because I don't want to agree to anything until I get back.....


Jim Black
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:43 PM   #2

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Cot per slip is usually priced by the ft. However, there are many factors. I have a 28 ft. boat and have seen prices for the season range between 1,200 - 5,000 USD. IT all depends on the marina, it's location, it's ammenities, type and size of docks, etc. Floating docks in a well protected area with full facilities, club house, with high end bathrooms, showers, etc. is going to cost more than fixed docks prone to tides, surge, wake traffic, weather, etc with little or no amenities is going to be much less.

Proximity to good boating is going to play a factor. If you're close to open water and still protected in the marina it will be a premium over a marina that takes you 30-40 minutes of running downriver before reaching open water. Restrictions by depth such as a shallow marina or one which can only afford reasonable access at higher tides and restricted access at low tides will be much less. This applies to depth as well as low bridges restricting passage at high tides. Draw bridges and locks are not appealling and if you have to pass locks and drawbridges, it will most likely decrease the slip fees.

The rule of thumb is, you get what you pay for. Decide what it is you need in marina as compared to what you want in a marina.

(BTW-These are generalizations. I understand you may be boating on freshwater and tides, surge, etc. may not be a factor for you. However they do factor into the prices when they apply).
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