I'm gonna go take a look tonight. Everyone seems to measure the slip size differently. They have this or a 30. But $125 a month price difference. So hopefully plenty or room
It's 10 ft wide by 22 ft long. Pretty sure it'll fit
Don’t forget you need extra room for the boat to move around. With this slip you’ll have at least 4’ sticking out. I suggest you try putting the boat in the slip before making a decision. Additionally the boats beam is 8’ 6” so with a 10’ wide slip you’ll have less than a foot on either side. IMO get a larger slip.
The issue is there are no slips available almost anywhere here. There are slips being added but won't be ready til next year. They have a 30 for $375 a month. Or this 22 that can be transferred for $250 a month.
A lot of boats at this pretty good sized marina that are way too small for the space they have. But there is room to get it out and in. I'm meeting them this morning and will see what the marina itself says. I know there's a 3 ft ish rule for sticking out. And I don't want someone hitting it. The bigger issue is I don't want a chore getting in and out.
It's actually a 24 ft and has plenty of space. He thought it was a 22. Also when I visited I was looking at the wrong side of the dock. So more room to maneuver in and out than I thought.
It's actually a 24 ft and has plenty of space. He thought it was a 22. Also when I visited I was looking at the wrong side of the dock. So more room to maneuver in and out than I thought.
Hope it works out as you think it will. You can always change if you decide it’s to tight.