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Old 05-07-2013, 12:42 PM   #1
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Default Low lives

I know it's happened to a few out there and not the best things to remember about boating but what have you had stolen from your boat?, just went down to mine tonight and my kayak is gone and GPS card, I am asking to see if there is a common list of items and hopefully help someone out

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Old 05-07-2013, 01:00 PM   #2

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Unfortunately it's common, though more so in some places than others. My sorry for your loss. At least it's just 'stuff' though (Not that it makes it any less frustrating). To me it's about things being in plain site. I think part of it is a 'convenience factor'. I'm not sure everyone is setting out with the intention to steal. Sometimes people are just jackholes and see an opportunity to grab something nice. Some folks are obviously out ot steal. They can't logistically crawl on every boat in a marina. As they walk down the dock, they're looking for anything they can SEE. Then it becomes a matter of accessibility and convenience. I try to put myself in the theifs position. 'If I see a bracket mounted display, I'd be more apt to crawl on that boat, than check a cabin door to search a cabin. I'd be more apt to search an unlocked cabin than kick a cabin door in.' Though there have been plenty of cabin doors kicked in too.

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Old 05-07-2013, 01:29 PM   #3
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Shrew I agree but what really annoys me is that my new marina has CCV cameras, it's only that I finally decided to take a 2 week holiday (not on my boat) so when I asked for a copy of the footage they informed me that it would have been recorded over by now, this made me think, you know what, I am mad at myself for leaving the GPS card in, I am mad at myself for leaving the kayak secured to the bow and not locked below, I know these are targeted items, just interested in knowing what else is targeted, they passed a $$$ fishing rod to take what they did, perhaps they did not see this?
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Old 05-07-2013, 01:59 PM   #4

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Perhaps they just don't like fishing.

I abhor low life, bottom dwelling, pond scum. Sadly there are those out there that take someone elses belongings and justify doing so by saying "it's their fault - they shouldda had their stuff locked up". Or whatever the hell goes through their mind.

My boat stays on the trailer at the marina year round. I do remove the stereo, the GPS, keys, and the small "boat box" (which has only 2 screw drivers, an adjustible wrench, a knife, trash bags, paper charts, and 2 spare bottle openers/cork screws () and some other odds-n-ends after each outing, but I leave the 5 dock lines and all the PFD's, all the canvas, and some other small items on board all the time - though those things are all stored out of sight.

My biggest worry is someone stealing my props.
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Old 05-07-2013, 04:10 PM   #5
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I believe a locked door only keeps the honest folks out. However scum will always take the easy way out, so if it's in the open they will grap and run. My boat is in a high and dry so it makes it harder to get at, also in a gated marina (7PM - 7AM) with CCV and the owner lives on site. After 6 years I have not heard of any theft at this marina but in the area flat screen TVs were hot items for the past 2 years. I believe most items are stollen and sold. Additional item have been props and outdrives (stolen from boats on lifts), scum came in by water at night and took it.

Sorry about your lose but lesson learn for all at this site
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Old 05-07-2013, 04:26 PM   #6

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Originally Posted by Huddo007 View Post
...........just interested in knowing what else is targeted, they passed a $$$ fishing rod to take what they did, perhaps they did not see this?

Typically anything of value. But it's a toss up. It's easier to walk down the dock at 1 am with a chip in your pocket, rather than a rod in your hand. It depends on whether someone is trying to make money by selling it, or something they simply needed. For all you know the person is a boater who could use the card, but doesn't fish. Maybe the thief isn't aware of the value of a rod/reel.

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