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Old 07-04-2006, 01:06 PM   #21
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 235
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Hey Racer,

Glad to hear you went with Maxum, they are great boats for the money.

In chop, trim it all the way down and travel at a speed you are all comfortable with. However, if you see a big roller, don't do as many do - do not kill the throttle or throttle back... as the bow rolls up the wave give the throttle a bit extra to kick the nose up, this will give a way smoother ride and as soon as the wave is cleared, you can throttle back to the original position. you'll soon pick up this method and get better, its all about looking ahead and keeping it smooth 8)

The boat was built to take on seas, at the end of the day, if something breaks its a warranty issue. Though I've never known of someone do any serious damage that a few minutes engine cooling didn't fix. as a general rule of thumb, if the boat is reguarly leaving the water, slow down or head home. :wink:

The swim platform is a great addition over Maxums I've had in the past and i'm loving the monster glovebox! We don't actually have the transom remote, we are int he process of installing a custom stereo so am awaiting my pioneer unit to stick back there.

Breaking in is a real touchy subject for many. I have never bothered to break a Maxum in by the book and never had any issues, nor have I heard of any engine failures from poor breaking in. Many argue that if you work them too hard at first then you'll end up with a premature failure 1000 hours down the line... well firstly, most engines need rebuilding then anyway and I sure as hell won't still be in my Maxum then :twisted:

On a serious note, Mercruiser technicians can tell if the engines been trashed when they plug in the diagnostics kit, but really... it would be hard for them to void the warranty should something go wrong unless you'd literally fired her up and run round the lake at full throttle for 8 hours then left her idling for the night. The most important thing is getting that first service within the end of the first season or 20 hours... which ever comes up first. DOn't worry about opening her up too much... just don't hold wide open throttle for more than say 3-4 mins... back it off for a few mins then crank it up again! One thing to do it keep an eye on the oil pressure, more than 3/4's needs checking, temp needs to sit right on 175... much higher for more than a few mins is something to have checked.

ok, essay over! I need to do some work!!

Brit Rider
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Old 07-05-2006, 02:49 AM   #22
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 298

Originally Posted by Brit Rider
Hey Racer,

Glad to hear you went with Maxum, they are great boats for the money.

In chop, trim it all the way down and travel at a speed you are all comfortable with. However, if you see a big roller, don't do as many do - do not kill the throttle or throttle back... as the bow rolls up the wave give the throttle a bit extra to kick the nose up, this will give a way smoother ride and as soon as the wave is cleared, you can throttle back to the original position. you'll soon pick up this method and get better, its all about looking ahead and keeping it smooth 8)

The boat was built to take on seas, at the end of the day, if something breaks its a warranty issue. Though I've never known of someone do any serious damage that a few minutes engine cooling didn't fix. as a general rule of thumb, if the boat is reguarly leaving the water, slow down or head home. :wink:

The swim platform is a great addition over Maxums I've had in the past and i'm loving the monster glovebox! We don't actually have the transom remote, we are int he process of installing a custom stereo so am awaiting my pioneer unit to stick back there.

Breaking in is a real touchy subject for many. I have never bothered to break a Maxum in by the book and never had any issues, nor have I heard of any engine failures from poor breaking in. Many argue that if you work them too hard at first then you'll end up with a premature failure 1000 hours down the line... well firstly, most engines need rebuilding then anyway and I sure as hell won't still be in my Maxum then :twisted:

On a serious note, Mercruiser technicians can tell if the engines been trashed when they plug in the diagnostics kit, but really... it would be hard for them to void the warranty should something go wrong unless you'd literally fired her up and run round the lake at full throttle for 8 hours then left her idling for the night. The most important thing is getting that first service within the end of the first season or 20 hours... which ever comes up first. DOn't worry about opening her up too much... just don't hold wide open throttle for more than say 3-4 mins... back it off for a few mins then crank it up again! One thing to do it keep an eye on the oil pressure, more than 3/4's needs checking, temp needs to sit right on 175... much higher for more than a few mins is something to have checked.

ok, essay over! I need to do some work!!
Once again thanks for responding. Spent five hours on the lake today (went out early to beat the 4rth rush and to get home for the cookout). Lake was rough, but I'm more comfortable with the boat and I took your advice and things were much smoother. Had a great time. Got 'er up to 50 with ease with six on board (in a smooth tributary), did some wakeboarding and tubing and anchoring. Ah...it doesn't get any better.

Two things that I need to fix, 1. my sister in law wore #4 sunblock with bronzer and stained a bow cushion. I asked the guy at the marina what to use and he said he swears by Clorox Cleanup spray. A friend said they swear by Soft Scrub with Bleach. Now the upholstery literature said that the cushion has a protective coating and that bleach will remove this coating. they recommend mild cleaners, which we've tried and haven't worked on the stain. Should I move to a bleach product? Is there anything on the market that can reseal the cushion?
2. The ignition switch was loose and I had to reach under the dash and hold the back of the switch while turning the outer portion where the key goes in. the problem is that it tighten up on itself but didn't tighten on the dash itself so it still turns. It's like it's missing washers or something. It's no biggy unless you remove the key and then it takes a few minutes to find the key hole again through the outer rubber protector. I'll have the dealer look at that when I'm in for my 20 hour.

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Old 07-05-2006, 01:45 PM   #23
Lt. Commander
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1) I can't offer much help here... UK products vary to much the ones available in the US - a product called magic eraser (readily available in the US) has been recommended to me many times... we cna't get it here though!!!
2) Mine does the same; as do many. Pull the rubber front off where the key goes in. unscrew the large securing bolt on the back (you may need to pop off the IGN, ACC and Ground wires, they are labelled though so will go back on with ease).. squeeze some epoxy resin in on the edges of the fibreglass dash and screw back up... let it cure then re attach the rubber key grommet. that should hold for as long as you require. a sharp tap with a hammer will free it should you ever need to change the ignition barrel... which will probably be never

Its great that you pulled 50mph with 6 on board, bet you had it trimme dup a good way! the swop in recent years from a 21 pitch to a 23 seems sensible for fast cruising but its come at the expense of low end grunt. My high 5 prop in a 19 pitch goes on at the weekend! 8)
Brit Rider
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Old 07-05-2006, 01:53 PM   #24
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 298

Originally Posted by Brit Rider
1) I can't offer much help here... UK products vary to much the ones available in the US - a product called magic eraser (readily available in the US) has been recommended to me many times... we cna't get it here though!!!
2) Mine does the same; as do many. Pull the rubber front off where the key goes in. unscrew the large securing bolt on the back (you may need to pop off the IGN, ACC and Ground wires, they are labelled though so will go back on with ease).. squeeze some epoxy resin in on the edges of the fibreglass dash and screw back up... let it cure then re attach the rubber key grommet. that should hold for as long as you require. a sharp tap with a hammer will free it should you ever need to change the ignition barrel... which will probably be never

Its great that you pulled 50mph with 6 on board, bet you had it trimme dup a good way! the swop in recent years from a 21 pitch to a 23 seems sensible for fast cruising but its come at the expense of low end grunt. My high 5 prop in a 19 pitch goes on at the weekend! 8)
Where in the UK do you boat? Post some pictures sometime! Thanks for the tip!
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Old 07-05-2006, 05:49 PM   #25
Lt. Commander
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We boat off North wales.. a place called the Menai Straits... its a nice long sheltered area of water (about 15 miles long) wedged between the mainland and a large Island called Anglesey.

I'll grab some pics this weekend 8)
Brit Rider
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Old 07-18-2006, 02:06 AM   #26
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 298

Originally Posted by Brit Rider
Hey Racer,

Glad to hear you went with Maxum, they are great boats for the money.

In chop, trim it all the way down and travel at a speed you are all comfortable with. However, if you see a big roller, don't do as many do - do not kill the throttle or throttle back... as the bow rolls up the wave give the throttle a bit extra to kick the nose up, this will give a way smoother ride and as soon as the wave is cleared, you can throttle back to the original position. you'll soon pick up this method and get better, its all about looking ahead and keeping it smooth 8)

I've been practicing this and my smoothness has impressed everyone. I was hesitant at first to throttle up over other's 'rollers' as I didn't want to launch off it like a ramp. Once I found that it indeed worked and I got over my hesitation I've been able to increase my cruising speed and keep it smooth over wakes/rollers. A few times I've mis-timed (sic) it and launched and came down with a 'slam' but even then, a quick throttle correction I'm back in the groove. My wife said "whatever you are doing keep doing it because you've got it down." I told her I got the tip from Brit Rider on the Internet. She gave me one of those wife looks.

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