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Old 04-22-2013, 05:21 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Annapolis MD
Posts: 7
Default Introduction & looking for a 3200 or 3300 scr..... Advice?

Hello Everyone,

I've been searching and educating myself on a Maxum 3200 SCR. I'm not new to boating but new to boat ownership. While doing my search, I came cross your forum. So I thought I'd say, "Hey"....

I would really appreciate any advice on what to look for specific or non-specific to these models.

Right now the items on the top of my list are:

1. Diesel or EFI
2. Survey including engine checks

But, anything you seasoned guys want to suggest, I'd appreciate.

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Old 04-22-2013, 05:34 PM   #2

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Welcome Aboard BoatGuy!!!

MAxum is a grat brand, though if I were in the market for a used boat, I wouldn't reduce my serach to a single manufacturer. You're going to be hard pressed to find a Diesel in the express market. The cost of the engine upgrade would have been a significant to the purchase price when new (to the tune of 75%). Very few people would by a $100K boat and opt for a $75K engine package upgrade. Fuel Injected would prefered in my opinion, but that is going to limit you to late model boats.

Any boat in this size/price range should be surveyed. The engine is the most expensive piece on a boat and will be a piece that WILL need to be replaced a few times over the life of a boat. IMHO unless the boat is new, an survey should be mandatory.

Best of luck with the search.

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Old 04-22-2013, 06:49 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by shrew View Post
..... Very few people would by a $100K boat and opt for a $75K engine package upgrade. .....

Best of luck with the search.
Thanks for the welcome...

I knew there was a price premium for the diesels. But, I didn't think anywhere near that much.

Does anyone have the old price lists for these?
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Old 04-22-2013, 08:03 PM   #4
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diesels fuel is more per gallon that expense-o-line.....

two 5.0 liter mpi and your do 36 mph, and burn 40 gallons an hour.....
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Old 04-23-2013, 01:14 PM   #5

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Diesel will be more money per gallon, but will burn less fuel per gallon. Bayliner and Searay used to have MSRP pricing for different packages but it looks like now they are just offering a form to 'request a quote'. The diesel options are extrememly expensive in comparison. I've done the math a couple of times. In order to recover the cost of diesels in an express cruiser you almost ned to run it every single day. The savings in fuel burn for a seasonal weekend boater as compared to the increase in cost is huge. I think the last time I checked it was like a 15+ yr. ROI. In fact, I think I recall it being break-even, even if you factored in a repower of a gas engines as compared to buying a Diesel model new. It's hard to say as I'm working from memory and have no actual facts. Maybe things have changed since.

I do recall that when I was repowering, I looked at a Yanmar Diesel and the cost to repower was around 30K as compared to around $12K for the gas merc. so maybe my numbers are bit exagerated.
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Old 04-23-2013, 05:37 PM   #6
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I remember going to boat shows and getting the price lists. I would guess someone still has them laying around. That's the kind of resource the internet is made for.

Regarding the diesels and EFI, I'm concerned about reliability and safety just as much as efficiency. I think you're probably correct, that EFI is what I'll end up with. All I'm saying is, I wouldn't mind finding diesels for the right price. Your numbers sound about right. $30k is a number that wouldn't surprise me, new. $70k on the other hand.....


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