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Old 07-16-2011, 03:40 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Buffalo NY
Posts: 2
Default info about 1992 Maxum 1900 XR

I bought this boat (92 1900xr) about 2 years ago. Everyone told me that a boat was a hole in the water to throw money into but i bought it anyways. We have had alot of fun with it but its in need of some work. If anyone wants to through ideas at me go ahead. 2 stroke 120 HP force.

Current issues are:

Stalls at low idle in gear. under 1k rpms.

Leaks gear oil somewhere around prop shaft. I did replace the impeller last year. maybe i put something on wrong during reassembly. I think it may be coming from the seal around the prop shaft. I have just been filling the lower unit before ever outting. I trailor it around.

compartment under floor is falling apart. for that matter the whole floor is. i was thinking of replacing the wood floor.......ooooo boy thats gunna be fun!

Speedo doesnt work.

Seats need to be redone. Buy complete new seats or have them recovered?


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Old 07-18-2011, 01:44 PM   #2

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Hi Jinny, welcome aboard!!! So you have a few things going on here.

Engine Stalling at low idle in gear:

Does the Engine stall at low idle when NOT in gear?

Does the engine stall right when you put it into gear?

Does the engine stall if you put it into gear and increase the RPM's slightly?


Oil Leak Around Prop shaft:

This sounds like the seals in the lower unit. This needs to be serviced. Oil out can also mean water in and will cause long term effects if left alone. This could be something as silly as gettiing some fishing line wrapped up in there.


Seats need to be redone:

Upholstry commonly needs to be redone every 10-15 years. The less is have been maintained and the more/longer it sits in the soon the sooner it might need to e replaced. There is a link on the main General Topics page for Leta's that is a good lead. Any marine upholster can work them up for you if you prefer a local place or want them installed, rather than doing it yourself.


Compartment Floor (sole) is falling apart:

This one is the biggest thing on your list and the one that is the most concerning. Nobody can make a valid assessment without actually seeing the boat and the condition of the sole, however this is not an uncommon problem in older boats, particularly in runabouts. I would skip ALL of the above and focus on this problem first. This issue could be a show stopper and you wouldn't want to dump money into the other issues to find this problem is too much to handle.

The issue you're describing is a result of rot due to water saturation in the floor. On paper, pulling the sole and installing a new one wouldn't seem too bad, in itself. A little carpet and your in business. HOWEVER, frequently this problem is the result of the boat being stored outside and improperly covered for a loength of time. Many times when this issue presents itself once the sole is removed, it is discovered that the rot has also worked it's way into the stringers and often times the transom. This COULD be a very costly repair. In many cases more than the boat is worth.

I would start with this issue. You probably want to have a professional who is experienced in dealing with structural hull repairs to take a look and make an assessment. Determine the extent of the rot and whether it has made it's way into the stringers and/or transom. THEN decide whether you want to move forward with the repair. THEN decide whether you want to tackle the rest of the problems.

I don't want to be negative, but it's better to be prepared, than surprised after you've already spent a good chunk of change.

Compartment Floor (Sole) is falling apart:
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