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Old 03-21-2012, 01:13 AM   #1
Lt. JG
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Default I pad as GPS

I initially posted this in the wrong place, under Maintence so I'm sorry for any duplication

I recently received an ad for the new I-Pad which looked like it might have the capability to work as a GPS. Possibly with a much larger screen and at a lower price. I don't paticularly want to chart waypoints or anything, I just want to miss the rocks and shoals.

So, I did what any person my age would do and I asked my son. He replied "there's an app for that!" and provided me with several web addresses:

He also cautioned me that while some of these look really good they are in the business of selling their product and I should ask other sailers what their experiences have been using a i-pad or similar device as a GPS.

Does anyone have any experience with this or suggestions?

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Old 03-21-2012, 01:27 AM   #2
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you get most of those free apps for a i-phone or android but the screen is small and not worth a crap in the glare of the summer sun. (active captian for one)

I-pad, is a very collectible (easy to steal) item to have on a boat, and dose not come with a cock pit mounting bracket........

Unlikely it likes salt water...... or spray.

My opinion is, your bringing a sword to a gun fight.... looks great and will inpress the boating slobs next to you, but his dilique son might have other ideas for that i-pad...

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Old 03-21-2012, 08:30 AM   #3
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Well I hate to be a trend setter but I have the application isailor it's not free you pay for the maps you need I have found it good but I am in Australia and as for not having a dash mount just type iPad dash mount into eBay and shop your heart out, I did make sure with mine that it was all plastic for the conditions, saying that though if you are getting enough water on your dash console to cause damage your doing it wrong and as for the neighbors kid well if he is going to knock it off you won't stop him anyway just be a little causious about leaving it out
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Old 03-21-2012, 11:19 AM   #4
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your stealing money from the "poor Garmin" people.......with a I-Pad.... where is your humanity?
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Old 03-21-2012, 02:51 PM   #5

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well..I think people are trying to say's not the right tool for the job...albiet it's an expensive tool and will do the might be subject to the weather more so than say a garmin or raymarine, which is designed for the job....

I'd likely keep it in the salon for those games and email rather than use it for navigation.....but...that's just me....

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Old 03-21-2012, 03:10 PM   #6
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Garmin just join with "Active captian", so basically Garmin is figuring out that where not going to update SIM data cards for $100 every year, when its free from a web device.

It's basically XM radio for NAV charts.

It's just eh hard ware care that is the diff.

I rather lose me Garmin in 3 Fathoms, then my I-Pad with all my music, data files, and bank statements on it.....
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Old 03-21-2012, 03:46 PM   #7

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Holding the iPad is going to be tricky. You'r limited in mounting options in comparison to RAymarine, Garmin, etc. The iPad is not designed to handle moisture the same. iPad is not designed to be viewed in sunllight or handle glare the same way as a Raymarine, Garmin, etc. The GPS reciever is internal, while most GPS have an external antannae mounted higher up and receives signals significantly better. will it work, absolutely. Will it better as well or better, I couldn't say. Radar can't be integrated and/or overlaid on the GPS like a Raymarine, Garmin, etc. Other systems integration such as system monitoring cannpt be integrated with an iPad the same as RAymarine, Garmin, etc. Will it work? absolutely. Is it a cheaper solution? no (unless you already own one). Is it as good or better than a dedicated device? Very doubtful and I'm not about to find out. However this is just my .02
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Old 03-21-2012, 05:15 PM   #8
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I got a motorola zzzom for christmas and I enjoy the heck out of this thing..........but even though it has a built in GPS I do hesitate to use it where it could get wet.

Go to for interesting website of gadgets to hold anything anywhere on your boat or for that matter auto, home, garage etc.


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