Reward Yourself Handsomely.
There will never be a better time to buy a Maxum than now!
Maxum equals style. And right now, get a new Maxum and earn serious cash back on a pre-loaded debit card up to $4,000.* Spend it all on you. Look like a million bucks - just like your Maxum. Time is running out -- this offer is only good until March 31, 2009. Check with your local participating dealer for additional incentives and program details.
Contact your local dealer or see
www.maxumboats.com for details.
*Customer may receive an incentive with the purchase of any of the following models which are new and currently in participating dealers' inventory: US $500 (1800MX, 1800SR3, 2000SR3), US $750 (1900SR3), US $1,000 (2200SR3, 2400SR3), US $3,000 (2500SE, 2600SE, 2700SE), US $4,000 (2900SE). Customer must take delivery by March 31, 2009. Only one incentive per boat purchased. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Customers may choose a pre-loaded debit card or to have the incentive amount applied towards the purchase of their boat on the sales contract. If a pre-loaded debit card is chosen, Maxum will send the card directly to the customer upon receipt of the required documentation from the dealer. Dealer sets actual retail price. Offer valid in the United States and Canada only. Void where prohibited.