OK, I've found a good source for the reverse polarity light (part#11521), but need other buyers to make it work.
Wesgarde carries the
SoLiCo 3450-4-50-19314 for around $4.50 each, but the minimum order is $100. So, I'd need at least 11 other folks (assuming you're like me with two AC shore power legs, so two lights) to make it work.
The lights would be available around the middle of August 2019. I'd have them all shipped to my place and then I'd ship them to everyone with no 'handling' charges. You'd pay for the lights, a fraction (based on how many folks are getting them) of the initial cost to ship to me, and whatever it would cost for me to ship them to you via the USPS. I'm not looking to make any money on this - I'm just looking to replace my own lights at a reasonable cost (i.e. WAY below the minimum order cost).
If anyone is interested reply here and we'll see if we can get enough folks interested. Tell your friends