Hi all:
I've had a great year with my Maxum until the last two weeks. While tooling about our lake, the trim decided not to raise. This caused big problems when pulling out of the water onto my trailer. (Welcome new Skeg guard)
I monkeyed about cleaning trim limit/sender units, checking wiring that I could see/feel, etc. Eventually I found the glass 20Amp fuse (near the trim pump solenoids) was burned out. I replaced the fuse, got into the water, and it blew again shortly afterward. I replaced again and it blew later that day. While the fuse is 'fresh' the trim raises and lowers as it should, but eventually it blows.
The shop says that they cannot identify the issue, so now I am really confused / frustrated. I asked if water could be responsible and they said they could take it to a lake and check, but that would add significant cost.
Could a solenoid(s) be bad, but still function? The trim pump and wiring look brand new, tight fitting bolts with black coating still protecting from the elements. Other than replace solenoids or pull the leg for 'fun', I am confused.

I've read every post on this topic I can find, but none seem to describe my boat's problem. Any ideas?