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Old 06-15-2011, 08:22 PM   #1
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Default helm lights

Ok, I searched and believe I've managed to miss something. I don't believe out of all the mods done on this board I've never seen a discussion on changing all the cluster lights and button lights over.

On my 2000 3300 SCR both the switch lights and dash lights are all white. On a cruise during the night I might as well close my eyes. I've taped over the nav lights and just shut down all the rest but would like to go with red.

Anybody know where to get them or ideas on how it was done.

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Old 06-16-2011, 01:33 PM   #2
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Check out the bottom of the page in this thread because while it's not your boat, someone else did exactly what you're looking to do.

-- Tom

2008 Maxum 1800MX - 'Lottie-Da'
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Old 06-16-2011, 02:00 PM   #3

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Weird that they'd use white lights for guages and switches. My 97 switch lights are amber and me guage lights are red. They make a number of replacement Rocker swtiches in various colors. New switches come in LED as well. Take a look here:

As for the guages. I'm not sure, however I would suspect you could swap out just the light. I can't imagine you'd need to change the entire guage just to replace an bulb or a blown element.

Here is a Faria guage installation guide. Note it includes a paragraph on how to change the bulb:

NOTE: To replace light bulb, twist black socket assembly one-eighth turn counterclockwise until it pops out. Bulb pulls straight out of assembly.

It is a GE No. 161 instrument lamp.

I would pull the bulb from one to make sure it is, in fact, a GE 161 Bulb. You should be able to find replacement bulbs and most likely find them in LED if you want. Probably not necessary to have LED, but they do last a LONG time:

I hope this helps. Good Luck.

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