Re: Ground Fault reset
I agree with SP, set the Outlet breaker at the panel to OFF, then back to on. I've seen breakers that don't look like they've been tripped, until you turn them off, then on again. Typically it doesn't 'click' OFF or present as much resistance when it's been tripped.
IF you have a seperate breaker for Outlets, Battery Charger, and Fridge, then I would expect that each, or at least most, would have a dedicated GFCI. Each breaker represents a dedicated circuit and each circuit will be completely independant. You can turn the outlets off, yet leave the batt. charger and Fridge on. You should be able to verify whether the fridge is on a dedicated circuit by shutting the fridge switch OFF inside the fridge. This should only shut off the 12v. If the fridge breaker is on while on shorepower the fridge should still be on even if the power switch inside the fridge is OFF. If you flip the Fridge breaker on and off, the fridge should turn on and off as well. (I would't shut it off then on quickly. The compressor may need a few seconds to ramp up/ramp down before you flip it back on/off again). IF the fridge still turns on when the Fridge breaker is on and the outlets breaker is off, then it is on a dedicated circuit and a GFCI behind the fridge (if there is one, is most likely NOT the candidate).
You could have a bad GFCI, but if that were the case, you'd have a reset button that isn't resetting.