I had good results with Meguiar's oxidation remover and a wool pad on a rotary buffer (not orbital - those take much longer). Took a long time as mentioned, but I did from the rub rail down on my 3300 ... it was a lot of area. This year I paid to have the 3300 done (worth every penny

), but did my 202 Crownline runabout myself with the same compound / pad combination. The Crownline is red gel all over. Above the rub rail looks like the day it was made, but below the rail it was chalky in spots. Afterwards I waxed with a Meguiar's paste cleaner wax ... it looked great and lasted July and August but I'm starting to see some light oxidation in spots already below the rail. I have heard great reviews about Glidecoat ceramic coating, so I'm planning to try that on the smaller boat next year.