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Old 08-12-2013, 07:19 PM   #1
Lt. JG

Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 27
Default Engine Beeping Alarm - HELP

Fellow Maxum owners. I come to the oracle of delphi once more. thanks in advance for your collective wisdoms here.....

I have a 2001 Maxum 2700 SCR. I have had two separate incidents involving beeping and want to make sure I have solved properly
1) Beep 1 Problem - Occured during driving home one day through rough chop. The boat literally stalled out from a full plane. When I went to start back up I wasn't getting the 4/5 consecutive beeps when I turned the key to the one position and the boat wouldn't even engage to start. Nothing. The Sea Tow guy that came to get me happened to be a MerCruiser expert and advised me to check a few things of which one was the connections behind the key module in the dash. After taking that out I noticed the one red wire came lose and must have disconnected over the rough chop. After attaching, I had no more problems with that.
2) Beep 2 Problem - Yesterday I had one loud continous beeping after starting. The marina mechanic told me it was either low oil or no drive oil in the resevoir. I topped both off to the reccomedned amounts and the beeping stopped and I had no other problems all day.

Can you guys confirm this sounds about right solutions based on the problems I've highlighted. I'm so thankful for honest advice as both of these could have cost me a fortune if a mechanic wanted to take me to the bank......

Piermont Maxum

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Old 08-12-2013, 08:07 PM   #2
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well, all true, but you still have a drive old leak.

that what the alarm is for.

As much as I think I know what i'm doing, I still get a professional boat mechanic to come in once a year.....

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Old 08-12-2013, 08:24 PM   #3

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Beep #1 (or no beep when there should be) = Certainly plausible. But what do you mean by 4/5 consecutive beeps? Is that 4 to 5 individual, one right after another, beeps or a single long beet of about 4 to 5 seconds? I ask because mine emits a single, 2 or 3 second, beep when I turn the key to the "run" position, right before I turn it to the "start" position.

Beep #2. I don't think low drive lube emits a continuous, non stop beep. Low oil pressure might. How much engine oil did you need to add? How much drive lube? Keep in mid that drive lube monitor measures the lube level in the res, but the oil monitor measures oil pressure, not level.

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Old 08-13-2013, 12:24 AM   #4
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My gear lube alarm will sound continuous if the level is low.
I second what Pas and Dan have stated.
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 08-13-2013, 01:10 PM   #5

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I find it interesting that Mercruiser would have different alarm codes for engine models and years. 1 long continous beep should be the overheating alarm. 2 short chirps should be low drive lube. My old 454 used to have a constant alarm tone when the key went to accessory, that stops once the engine is started. My 496 only tones for about 3 seconds as Dan described. I'm not familiar with the 4 or 5 consecutive beeps code. I know that it would be either one or the other, with each corresponding to a different problem.
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