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Old 09-08-2013, 05:23 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 1
Default electric flush stopped working - could use some help asap

Hi, I have a 2007 2400 SE.

I took my boat in to be serviced a few weeks ago (replaced air idle valve) and once I got it back in the water I was 'showing' my boat to a friend and the Electric flush stopped working. I pushed the button and it was more quite than usual after about 2 seconds of holding the button no water was entering the bowl and the motor noise started winding down to nothing at all; basically, nothing was happening (no water no noise). I pushed it again and the same thing happened. Since I had just put the boat in the water I just assumed my battery was low and that was causing the issue. the sound and the symptom seemed to match what would happen on a low battery.

Fast forward 2 weeks later I'm at the dock and test it out (connected to shore power) and the same thing happened again. only this time after the 3rd try, and every time after, nothing happens at all when I push the button. Almost like there is no power. (each time I never held the button for more then a couple of seconds)

I'm lost at what to look at. Maybe it's a fuse going bad? However, the 'winding' down of the motor noise (like low battery) is a little odd for that to be a reason. Before I took it into the shop it was working like a champ. My holding tank is only about 1/4 full.

while I was investigating the head issue I did find that one of the mechanics that worked on my boat were not paying attention to where they were putting their foot and broke the neck off the output to the PML250 motor for the air conditioner. I'm really lucky I caught this today because it could have flooded my boat. from what I can tell this motor is only for the air conditioning and not shared with the head right?

while my boat was in the shop they did 3 things; replaced the air idle valve, reseated the gas line in the tank, and cleaned up some corrosion on the connections for the Gas gauge sending unit.

I really appreciate any help / advice you can give,
- Josh

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Old 09-09-2013, 12:48 PM   #2

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Welcome Aboard illgoshlli!!!!!

I assume that you checked to make sure the seacock for the head was open? I would start by checking that you are getting sufficient votage to the electric pump responsible for flushing. The water pump for the A/C should not be interconnected with the head system. Each system should have a dedicated inlet and outlet. Otherwise you could potentially pump raw water into the head while attempting to run the A/C.

Follow the Head seacock inwards and/or the head back and you should find the pump in between. My guess would be in the forward bilge area.
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