Hey guys....obviously this place needs a boot in the butt....so...here's what I think we should do....
Tell us your dock stories....funny ones or not!!...if it happened to you even better.....
I'll start....last summer my wife and I along with another boater family ran up to the canadian san juan islands or what they call the gulf islands (I never got that either...thier in the puget sound!!)..We're staying at a marina called poets cove...awesome place.....eagles galor....all kinds of wild life including whales and such....
..hemmingways there's this other boater there is this other boater goes up to the marina shack on the dock and gets some herring to feed the eagle perched up on top of this tree...big huge bald eagle....well..this guy goes out to the end of the finger pier and waves this herring over his head really slow and the bald eagle zero's in like a lazer....he then tosses it away from the pier and the eagle swoops down and snatches the herring out of the water and everyone in the marina just goes ooooo/aaahhhhh!!!.....photo op...right???
.after he's fed the eagle, my wife gets the brilliant idea that she wants to get some photo's of this eagle....so...me being the photographer....I pull out my big 35mm with the 400 mm lense....and she takes a chunk of meat and waves it over her head like she's trying to flag a taxi....I yell to her to slow down and when she does the eagle takes a bead on her hand.....she throws the meat out into the water.....
mind you...all she has to do is stand there...the eagle does his swoop thing and heads for the meat in the water....the wife turn 45 degs and runs right off the dock!!...yep....all I saw in the view finder was her hair looking like a cartoon prat fall......
now the kicker was the fact that this cripple guy was walking by just as she took the step off the dock and was there before I could register that she was in about 15 ft of freezing water!!!........no pic of the eagle and no pic of my wife spitting up water and her hair all over the place...!!....
now what's yours!!.....tell us your dock stories!!!....lets have some fun here!!!
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

SSN683 Association member

Par Excellence
2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!
Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO.

Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!