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Old 03-08-2006, 12:48 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 1
Default Considering an 1800 SR

Greetings folks!

Considering the purchase of a 2001 1800 SR 4.3L with 65 hours of use. Boat looks like its in fantastic shape, well cared for and comes with a galvanized trailer, Bimini/sport top and snap in covers for $10,500

This particular boat has a fiberglass liner with snap in carpet. Does this make it an SRL model?? I'm not clear on this.

I've had a few 18 footers in the past and find them good for towing, easy to launch and retrieve and perfect for the lakes and rivers. I've always had the 3 litre four cylinder and decided my next one will be the 4.3 so I'm confident this boat will be a blast to drive.

Any thoughts or input is appreciated.


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Old 03-08-2006, 12:49 PM   #2
Lt. Commander
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Location: Springfield Virginia
Posts: 142
Default 18footer

This sounds like my buddies last Maxum. I thought it was 19 foot, but with the way manufacturers play the numbers game who knows. I will say this, 60 hours for a boat of that age sounds suspicious. Just for comparison, I have a 2004 2100SC see : http://sempreveloce.tripod.com/

I'm about 4 hours short of 300 hours, or about 150 hours per season. I do use my boat, figure if you're gonna invest the cash then use it!. Now having said all that. I found the 19 foot boat to be pretty nice on flat water, but a little squirelly when the wind came up. My 2100SC has a little better ride under similar circumstances, but is still not all that great when the chop gets to more than a foot. I'm not terribly happy with design deficiencies (follow the link thats imbedded in the link above) I have found in my boat, but it took the first season to find them. Overall the Maxum line seems to be solid, and Merc's are Mercs so there's not much to compare there. One recommendation would be to have the seller put the bimini and all canvas up and connected so that you can see how it all fits. It took a professional canvas guy the better part of an hour to get mine adjusted. The factory job was "get it out the door" mentality.

Hope this is helpful.


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Old 06-30-2006, 07:49 PM   #3
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Hey Franco, Great boat I used to own a year2000 1800 - 2001 saw some improvements but vinyl was a touch dodgy on occasion. check the seams on the back to back seats, specifically the bottom of the seat where your ass goes!

Is that the 4.3 carb (190hp) or MPI (210hp at the prop)? the carb does fine but with 6 people and some gear it really starts to struggle, you'll probably want to think about re-propping to 21 pitch stainless 3/4 or even 5 blade if the cash is available. the 3.0 litre is really a poor engine choice in my opinion as it has veyr little guts and sounds like a tractor under load.

Check the dash for any corrosion as that was a small concern around then, other then that get a dealer look at it... all being good, buy it! 8)


p.s No its still an SR... but with Snap-in carpets
Brit Rider
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