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Old 04-23-2013, 03:17 AM   #1
1994Maxum2700SCR's Avatar
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Default Condensation Under Bed

Hey guys,
I lifted up the mattress in my aft cabin today and found that it was very moist. So now I need to figure out how to clean the mattress. anyone have experience with this?
The aft cabin is carpeted and there are a couple compartments under which have carpeted wooden inserts to cover them.

Is there anything to put under the mattress that will prevent this moisture?


- Joe

1994 Maxum 2700 SCR - 7.4L - Bravo 2
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Old 04-23-2013, 01:05 PM   #2

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A couple of thoughts......

You're in relatively the same area I am, so I'm going to guess that the boat has sat wrapped up all winter. A lot depends on how it was stored (e.g. shrink wrap, plastic tarp, canvas tarp), and more importantly, how much air was able to move from inside and outside the covering as well as (and most importantly) into and outside of the boat. The less air movement from inside the cabin to outside and from inside the wrap to outside, the more condensation you're going to get. Proper ventilation and air movement are the bigest keys.

I prefer shrink wrap because it allows for a vents to be placed anywhere and everywhere. The more the better. I also make sure my shrink wrap goes belong my portholes. I then open the port holes and crack the hatches to allow for air movement both inside the cabin and from inside the shrink wrap.

The rest of the moisture is taken care of by copious amounts of Damp Rid. The BIG containers and several of them. These need to be swapped out monthly.

I remove the mattresses from the boat completely. In fact, EVERYTHING comes off of the boat. If I absolutely can't remove the mattresses, I'll stand them up on end in the companion way if I have too. Leaving them laying in place will create condensation and possibly mold.

To clean, you should be able to remove the covering. There should be a zipper along the edge. The foam mattress can be air dried or you can try and clean it if you want. The covering can be washed like a gentle item. Make sure both are bone dry before putting the mattress back into the covering.

Best of luck.

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Old 04-24-2013, 11:34 PM   #3
1994Maxum2700SCR's Avatar
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Awesome, thanks Shrew. As always a nice detailed explanation.
Hopefully there's no mold on the mattress itself but I'll pull it out in a few days to dry and clean everything.

On another note; have you heard anything about HyperVent padding?

Here's something I found online: http://www.hyperventmarine.com/products.html

Thanks Again,

- Joe
1994 Maxum 2700 SCR - 7.4L - Bravo 2
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Old 04-25-2013, 02:21 AM   #4
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Move to Arizona
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Old 04-25-2013, 03:17 AM   #5
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We are not as luck as you and Havamax to live inside the oven..............

Roger ;-)
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Old 04-29-2013, 11:23 PM   #6
Lt. JG
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same here, I remove EVERYTHING over the winter. Steam clean the whole interior in the spring, when I know i have 4-5 days rain free. Then run 3 small fans all day for 3 days with hatches open. During the winter, store the mattresses in the basement. Gives them time to breathe in the cool, dry air that the constantly running heater in the house provides.
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Old 04-30-2013, 01:20 AM   #7
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lol maybe when I retire I'll go somewhere like Arizona haha.

Thanks for the advice rcswando, lesson definitely learned.

I went on the boat yesterday to pull the mattress out to try and dry/clean it up. zipper was corroded so bad that I couldn't budge it lol. stains along the bottom of the mattress pad cover.
Only had time to spray it with some mold/mildew removal spray and set it out to dry for a few hours in the sun, then I put it back in the cabin stood up.
I'm gonna try to WD-40 the zipper and get the cover off to be washed and then mess with the mattress somehow maybe a bleach solution to clean it (I'd be amazed if the previous owner ever moved the mattress)
1994 Maxum 2700 SCR - 7.4L - Bravo 2
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Old 04-30-2013, 02:50 PM   #8

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You might be able to cut along the zipper, then get a seamstress or upholsterer to install a new one.

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