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Old 09-10-2013, 01:22 PM   #1

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Default Coast Guard Boarding

I was boarded by the CG this weekend for a 'random' safety inspection. I say that somewhat sarcastically because there were only 2 boats out in the sound at that time of morning.....the boat they were just concluding their safety inspection on, and us. So, not really much randomness when there are no options to choose from LOL.

I don't recall the last time I was boarded, so i figured I was well past due anyway. As one would expect, the CG officers were polite and respectful and generally seemed like a nice couple of guys. Ran through the typical stuff (PFD's, Flares, smoke detectors, throwable). fortunately, the admiral had all that stuff out and inplace prior to casting off. Very relaxing to be able to point to each of the items they are looking for, rather than scrambling around.

I thought it was worth pointing these items out:

1) PFD's READILY available (NOT stored in a locker)
2) Throwable device needs to be handy
3) PFD's need to be free of tears, excesive fading and the security specs and print need to be completely legible
4) Flares need to be relatively handy (in a locker is fine, but at least somewhat accessible from the cockpit)
5) All flares need to be in date, with the requisite number and type for your vessel size.
6) Fire Extinguishers (the requisite number for your vessel size)
7) Fire extinguishers must be less than 10yrs old.

Have this stuff together along with an easily locable container for ID and registration and you will have a quick and pleasant CG safety inspection.

The CG officer even commented as I stood stainary and pointed to the items, such as PDF's and throwables "Oh wow, look at that!! They're actually out and accessible where they're supposed to be! I'm used to people running down below and digging through lockers."

I'll also take this time to thank the Coast Guard for risking their lives to save us. We should also remember that these safety inspections are for our best interest, not theirs. Ensuring that we are properly equiped for the CG to perform a rescue.............as opposed to a recovery or an abandoned search.

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Old 09-10-2013, 01:55 PM   #2

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Good post, Shrew. I'm pretty much in line with all the points you mentioned except for our PFD's. I keep 6 general PFD's in the center sole locker and 2 better water sports PFD's in the stern locker. On a smaller boat like ours both locations are pretty quickly accessible but in an emergency precious seconds would still be spent getting to them.

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Old 09-10-2013, 02:30 PM   #3
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i got boarded on a sunday morning with just one other boat on the water.

The coasties really have no jurisdiction to issue finds or summons.

its a federal agency, not local.

So they are a toothless tiger.
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Old 09-10-2013, 03:08 PM   #4
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Shrew sounds like my sermon when I do VSC's for the USPS. Readily accessiable is key with all pfd's. If they not in arms reach what is the point? Assign a pfd to each member on board before you depart. As far as children goes.....I use to take my son to where ever to pick out his pfd every spring so he had the latest greatest pfd. Ended alot of father son arguments about wearing their pfd

If your boat has never had a vsc (vessel safety check)go to www.usps.org and punch in your zip code and your get the closest examiner that can check your boat out. Its free, fast and they do find something wrong they work with you to try to fix the problem.You might even save some money if you turn this into your insurance.

I have read that many states have made these boarding by the USCG illegal, because of the abuse to recreational boaters that they cause. A double edge sword on that one.

I have always said let us check your boat out first (USPS or USCGA) and if we find a problem it is not going to result in a dollar fine if a state or federal agency boards your boat.

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Old 09-10-2013, 04:20 PM   #5
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This is where maxum failed on the 2400 SCR, there is only 1 on deck storage locker under the aft bench that will hold at most 6 PFDs and that's tight. So I actually have my fenders in there as they get used more often and the PFDs are in the mid-berth.

Yes the fenders could go into rack on the bow but I find they block visibilty to much and none of my crew are confortable going forward to retrieve them.

My emergency plan is to run below and hand them out. This way I am the last off the boat.
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 09-10-2013, 04:34 PM   #6
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Bad plan Mike keep the pfds on the person or at arms length. Get those fenders in baskets either forward or stern. Imho:-) What if your not there to pass them out?Plan B?

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Old 09-11-2013, 12:38 AM   #7
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Roger, not going to argue that's far from ideal, however I have 2 lifejacket bags with 4 PFDs each that I can retrieve faster from the mid-berth than have passangers getout of the way from the aft seat so I can flip it up to get them. Also the bags don't fit in that small opening and would need to store them seperatly which would increase getting them to folks even more.

Next boat will not have this issue
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 09-11-2013, 01:22 PM   #8

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Originally Posted by pascavone View Post
i got boarded on a sunday morning with just one other boat on the water.

The coasties really have no jurisdiction to issue finds or summons.

its a federal agency, not local.

So they are a toothless tiger.
That is not completely true.


A Coast Guard boarding officer who observes a boat being operated in an UNSAFE CONDITION, specifically defined by law or regulation, and who determines that an ESPECIALLY HAZARDOUS CONDITION exists, may direct the operator to take immediate steps to correct the condition, including returning to port. Termination of unsafe conditions may be imposed for.

Insufficient number of CG Approved Personal

Flotation Devices (PFDs)
Insufficient fire extinguishers
Overloading condition
Improper navigation light display
Fuel leakage
Fuel in bilge’s
Improper ventilation
Improper backfire flame control
Manifestly unsafe voyage

An operator who refuses to terminate the unsafe use of a boat can be cited for failure to comply with the directions of the Coast Guard boarding officer, as well as for the specific violations, which are the basis for the termination order.
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Old 09-11-2013, 01:33 PM   #9
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yes, i noticed you guys don't carry children, as they all need to be wearing under age 17 on deck, but not in cabin for some reason.

true, being a idiot will give then cause, or transporting drugs, having a forward deck gun over 14mm, or leaking contaminants.

but, for the honest folks, they have no warrant abilities, unless the constitution gets changed.
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Old 09-11-2013, 10:00 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by pascavone View Post
yes, i noticed you guys don't carry children, as they all need to be wearing under age 17 on deck, but not in cabin for some reason.

true, being a idiot will give then cause, or transporting drugs, having a forward deck gun over 14mm, or leaking contaminants.

but, for the honest folks, they have no warrant abilities, unless the constitution gets changed.
Not wearing in the cabin is about getting out, if flooded and children under the age of 17 are wearing PFD's inside cabin they have no hope of swimming down if required to get out of the cabin door or hatch

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