welcome to the Zoo...well..there's a couple things you should know bout CO...1)as you know..co is invisible and can't be smelt nor seen...with that said ..be careful..2) the station wagon effect from the stern of your camper canvas is the culprit of the effect in the salon..amazing how it gets down there isn't it....3)the way to keep from being overcome by the fumes is to have fwd to aft ventilation in effect...meaning open the fwd vent top just a small amount...there is usually a setting on the hatch fittings that allow you to secure the vent in the cracked open position...and leave the cabin door open some..the positive pressure will keep the air flowing from fwd to aft......4)or partially unzip the fwd eisenglass to allow air to come thru the front and force the air out the back...keeping your cabin from being overcome by fumes...and finally..5)you need to find out if the CO monitor is old or not...they should be replaced every couple of yrs because the active sensor looses it's capability to detect CO and when it does...it takes forever to shut off....so..chances are it's depleted...
hope this helps....
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Par Excellence
2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!
Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO. 
Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!