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Old 04-11-2012, 06:04 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Seattle
Posts: 291
Default Check your insurance policy

I received my renewed boat policy in the mail yesterday and decided to actually read it in its entirety for some dumb reason. I was obviously very bored. Anyway, I would suggest that you all do this to make sure that you have the correct coverage for the waters you plan on boating in.

Under Navigational Information, mine states:
It is hereby warranted that the Insured Boat shall be confined to the waters indicated below:
Inland lakes and rivers of the contiguous 48 states of the US and Canada.

I boat in the Puget Sound, which by definition is inland. My concern was the language of the policy which states inland LAKES and RIVERS, not WATERWAYS. Low and behold, I am covered so long as I stay below the 51st parallel and east of Cape Scott.

Safe boating!

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Old 04-11-2012, 06:56 PM   #2
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Check and DOUBLE check. I just got off the phone with my agent. My first post was after calling the 1-800 number and talking to a customer service rep. Well, it appears as though the customer service rep I spoke with was wrong wrong wrong. My agent found the limits in their system and the Sound is specifically excluded from the inland lower 48 unless coastal is added for $5. The manual states: Boats, which may be used at any time in tidal waters (i.e., Long Island Sound, Puget Sound), must be rated using the coastal rates.
There ya go. I had him add the Coastal Rating for $5 and NOW I am covered.

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Old 04-12-2012, 02:55 AM   #3
Lt. JG
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Wow! Good thing you read that! Who would have thunk! Lol! And wow! Good thing you called your agent! That could have been a nightmare!
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Old 04-12-2012, 03:40 AM   #4
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Rgreen...........We boat on the Illinois River and could be further than where you boat but I just changed my insurance company from Erie group, which I thought was good, (because I am a member to the United States Power Squadron) to their insurance that we get though St Paul insurance company.

I actually doubled my coverage for the same price I was paying before.

BoatUS....... would of been my next pick, coverage and price......... hard to beat!

I visit the www.baylinerownersclub.org website occasionally and there is a gentleman named Paul Hana who the insurance guru. Do a search and he has put together some pages of good info to know. He openned my eyes. Make sure that insurance agent of yours is a boater and if not find one that is.

Good luck

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Old 04-12-2012, 02:00 PM   #5

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Ok, so now I'm cleaning coffee off of my monitor. Some may recall an incident I had two seasons ago. I had written a bit about it. The wording you posted is ironically close to what was on my insurance policy. Yep, you goota read that stuff CLOSE. Mine also had that limitation. The options on mine were:

A) maine to Virginia (Tidal Waters)
B) Maine, NH, MA, RI, CT, NY (Non-Tidal Waters)

The Non-Tidal Waters was not very clear (above is abbreviated). Both I and my ins. agent knew where I was boating. We both missed it. It was pointed out to me when the insurance company denied a claim. I'll dig around for that old thread. At the end of the day, no matter what, it's still the captains fault.

Nice catch. Call your agent and make sure she calls the underwriter for clarification on what you need to be properly covered. This is what I found to be the problem. Your agent can't possible know everything about ALL insurance policies and things insured. They have to know cars, trucks, planes, boats, motorcycles, construction equipment, personal lines, business lines, property insurance. They have to know the nuances of multiple insurance companies since an agent represents several. Insurance agents are extrememly knowledgable and can typically answer most questions. They can look up what they are unsure of. Most importantly they can call the underwriter at the insurance company for ultimate verification. A good agent will do so automatically. In this case, I'd point it out and ask the agent to verify what changes you need to make.

On a side note, expect your premium to go up a lot. I increased the insured value and tacked on replacement for itemized contents and my premium more than doubled.
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:05 PM   #6

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