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Old 06-07-2012, 01:43 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Woodbridge, VA
Posts: 8
Default Bravo III questions

My 00 2700 is stored on a lift slip because the bottom was not painted when we bought it and apparently the Bravo III outdrive has all sorts of corrosion issues if wet slipped. I am researching the puck system and bottom paint for the long term solution to save $$ and wondering if anyone on this forum has one installed and if so how has the experience been?

Also, I am planning on running from the Potomac (Woodbridge, VA) to the Chesapeake Bay alot this summer and likely spending a couple of days docked in transient slips. Will the saltwater in the bay hurt the outdrive or the unpainted bottom in the space of 2-3 days? Anything special I need to do when return?

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Old 06-07-2012, 01:54 PM   #2

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No not in 2-3 days. Yes, BIII's are known for corrosion. Mine lasted 14 seasons wet slipped in salt water. There was some evidence of corrosion on the case, but blowing the gears in the lower unit is what caused it's ultimate demise, not corrosion.

If you're going to wet slip the boat, then you absolutely should paint the bottom. I would suggest if you're going to paint the bottom, to make sure to sand it well and properly, remove all dust as described in instructions. Take the extra step to apply a barrier coat using the recommendation of the paint manufacturer. Make sure to apply the barrier coat and bottom paint according to instructions (including number of coats).

You'll also want to make sure you have zincs installed on tabs and drive and kep up on them. Paint hte drive with an aLuminum anti-fouling paint as well. Your boat shoudl already have a bonding system that should also take care of galvanic corrosion.

If you're just talking about wet slipping for a coupld of days, then you still want to make sure you kep up on your zincs no matter what, however painting is unecessary. When you do haul the boat, just make sure to clean the hull and drive and flush the outdrive and engine with fresh water using a muffs and a hose. Hook a hose up to the muffs, muffs up to the outdrive, turn on the water and fire up the engine and let it idle for about 5 min. past when it reaches operating temps. Don't leave the water running through the muffs and drive for too long with the motor turned off.

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Old 06-07-2012, 02:05 PM   #3

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Short answer is no, two or three days in the bay isn't going to cause the drive or the bottom any issues. But, you will want to get the boat out of the water to clean the bottom and drive when you get back. Since the water in the Potomac starting near Colonial Beach is pretty much salt free the run up from CB to Woodbridge will do just fine to flush the salt water out of the drive and engine.

The only real issue you'll have is a small amount of growth on the hull and drive.

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Old 06-07-2012, 02:07 PM   #4
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Location: Woodbridge, VA
Posts: 8

Thanks for the quick response Shrew. I just youtubed how to flush your engine with muffs and it looks pretty simple. Would driving the boat in freshwater for ~60 minutes achieve the same goal here? Just wondering because the trip from the Chesapeake back to my marina runs through freshwater for about the last hour.
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Old 06-07-2012, 02:44 PM   #5

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hawthorned...you have the same boat we used to have a few yrs ago....the b3 drives are noted for corrosion problems in salt water but with proper care you can spend most of your days in the salt with no issues....as stated...the growth in 2 days won't be much at all..we often spent a week on ours in salt water up in the san juan islands....very minimal on a bare bottom....however what I did learn about the b3 is that you have 2 types of control boxes for the mercathod system....there is that transducer at the bottom of the transom ring that puts out an electric field...supposed to neutralize the battery effect of salt water...the 2 boxes come in 25 watts and 60 watts...blue and red...the red one costs about 60 bucks and will spread the field out a bit further to protect the drive better....I'd recommend that you get that box and replace the one mtd on your engine....

the second thing to ensure is that your zincs are fresh and up to snuff.....hopefully you have replaced all the zincs for the season and are ready to go....

and welcome to the zoo....

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