05-12-2010, 03:07 PM
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05-12-2010, 03:11 PM
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the stripper is there for removing the old wax and oxidation...then the poliglow seals the gelcoat...I'm going to get some as soon as I can....I'll let you know how it goes..
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05-12-2010, 03:36 PM
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Thanks for the additional links. I googled it as well and have read more not so good than good. Most of the bad remarks I read are from people that have used it a couple years ago, which leads me to believe that long term, waxing is the way to go. I'll keep my eyes open for new posts on this and welcome anybody's comments on their own experience.
05-12-2010, 03:52 PM
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Location: Fairfax Va
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I was thinking the same thing - almost sounds too good to be true.
I'm a little jaded I suppose, having once tried a "miracle product" on my 1966 Impala while at a car show. It looked fantastic when it was applied but on the drive home I got caught in the rain and ended up with water spots all over the car that were impossible to remove. I had to compound the entire car and re-apply the product I had been using - Zanio.
Ever since that experience I'm pretty leary of The Easy Way. Sometimes there just is no easy way.
05-12-2010, 05:04 PM
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Posts: 5,715
Joh Graviskis over on Ship Shape TV used it on a heavily oxidized painted hull rather than repainting and swore by the polyglow product. But then again, I get the impression he is willing to stand up on the stump for any vendor/manufacturer who is willing to give him free product. Notice he needed a new dock at home last season and sure enough, there's a 30 minute episode (infomercial) on the wonders of the specific decking materials he's using. I'm sure he paid for all the materials and gave the manufacturer a free 30 min. spot, right?
We'll see repeats of the wonders of the eTEC outboard until he's repowered every outboard boat he owns
05-12-2010, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by rgreenwell8962
............. I googled it as well and have read more not so good than good. Most of the bad remarks I read are from people that have used it a couple years ago, which leads me to believe that long term, waxing is the way to go.
you wouldn't happen to have any examples, would you? I've been contemplating using this above the rubrail to bring back some of the lost luster. My wife can apply makeup in the reflection on the hull below the rubrail, but above has been a challenge, even after using 3m gelcoat/color restorer last year, which should be slight more abrasive than cleaner & Wax without the wax, but finer than rubbing compound.
05-12-2010, 05:37 PM
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Location: Seattle
Posts: 291
Hi shrew, there are a few good comments that were posted on http://www.thehulltruth.com/boating-...poli-glow.html from an earlier reply. Take a read there. Hope this helps. I just can't believe that something that takes so much effort, like bringing out the shine with a hard waxing, can be replaced with such an effortless and easy system. Nothing's free, in my book.
05-12-2010, 07:22 PM
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Posts: 327
Think what you like but the independent tests prove that if you apply it c-o-r-r-e-c-t-l-y and patiently with very THIN coats it outlasts wax by years....PERIOD END OF STORY. They proved this with gloss meters and water beading on the surface. In long term tests they reported if the build up gets too thick, simply start over and remove all of it (with Poliprep, which instantly disolves it, I know I tried it in an area that I had a coupla runs) and start over. I'm sure that there are lots of hacks out there that most likely try it first then read the directions later. I see it all the time in my business. You doubters keep on waxing while us "Poliglowers" look like a million bucks shinin away beading water and wiping off black streaks with WATER.............Life is goo-ood!!
This is a good independent test http://www.poliglow.co.uk/review2.html and another
05-12-2010, 07:40 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 327
Hey SP,
A good tip that I found when using the poliprep is pour the stuff into a garden sprayer then cut with water 3 : 1 part poliprep. then simply spray wet the surface with water then spray a small area about 3' x 3' with a even mist of Poliprep then scub with the scrubber provided (I went through two scrubbers and poliglow applicators on my 3300). Use a piece of masking tape to mark where you start and stop, then just overlap the starting and stopping points to make sure that you don't miss and area. Good Luck! Call them if you have any questions. Oh and a nother thing wear latex gloves while using all the products.
Prepare to be amaized SP, your 350 is gonna gleam!
Bella Sera
05-12-2010, 08:56 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 327
quote from independent test said: "We've heard reports of some of these products going milky, flaking, or cracking; we've never experienced any of this in our five years of testing this type of product. We've also heard reports of difficulty in removing these restorers; again, we've encountered no problems."
These guys had no horse in the race-
Bella Sera
05-13-2010, 03:33 AM
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Originally Posted by seapuppy
great!!....we're in K10 really close to the river.....same goes to you guys.....man...the river is a treat to get into...I know you know the best time is during slack tide...but what I do is if the river is running...slow to a crawl when up at the ramps....then just as you get at the mouth of the lane...turn towards the first ramp lane..once into the lane there is no current....so..you need to cut the throttle and aim for the ramp..then there is always the practice practice practice.....we're heading out on friday...not sure where but we're on our way out for sure...hope to see you and your more than welcome to join us at anytime.....we have reservations at roche harbor for memorial weekend...if your interested in that run...im me and I'll give you the information ..you can tag on to my reservations....
4th of july is blakely island marina in the SJ's...that is a great place to stay...
Right on SP! It sounds like we're just a few rows away in indigo six. Thanks for the river tips... I was somewhat curious if the dock area turned into a clockwise wirlpool tub when the current was really moving.
Depending on which side of low tide you leave Friday, I might be around, as I have an afternoon planned with a battery bank, a couple of new tables to mount and possibly some wet sanding. I sure hope the weather holds out for your weekend.
Also, thanks for the holiday offers. At this point Memorial Day is a little tenuous with my wife's final project due the following week. I've got my fingers crossed. We're taking off some extra days (hopefully) around the Fourth and plan to harbor jump each day. We meet with a large group of old friends at Fisherman's for the big show. I look forward to picking your brain a bit about South Sound cruising. Looks to be tons of places to explore.
Jim and Angie
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05-18-2010, 04:35 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 327
Originally Posted by Bella Sera 3300SCR
quote from independent test said: "We've heard reports of some of these products going milky, flaking, or cracking; we've never experienced any of this in our five years of testing this type of product. We've also heard reports of difficulty in removing these restorers; again, we've encountered no problems."
These guys had no horse in the race-
Bella Sera
This weekend my lovely girlfriend accidentally decided to test out the stain resistance of my Poliglow sealed nonskid foredeck with a nice full plastic cup of shiraz red wine (which was a shame because it was a 2004 Claude Dubois)..... I watched in horror from the helm as the red plastic party cup slipped from her delicate hand hitting the deck flat and square causing an amazing 6' splatter pattern worthy of resembling a San Francisco liberal tye-died t shirt! I took a deep breath and thought to myself this is gonna be interesting. Normally that unsealed area would have kept that stain like luggage, but a couple of buckets of water later then wiped down and this was the result….
I dare you waxers to try this test…….LOL
Bella Sera
06-01-2011, 01:09 PM
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Posts: 327
Top of the Day Maxum Gang!
I know that is is a touchy subject and is a bit of a lightining rod but after owning Bella Sera for 11 years since new I am still further amazed at the high gloss and ease of application with Poliglow that I started using last year. You Waxing purists don't know what you're missing except the countless hours of painstaking rubbing and buffing you still go through to get that show room shine that I get with one preseason application. And again, NO BUFFING REQUIRED. The results speak for themselves??
Bella Sera 3300SCR
06-01-2011, 01:13 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 393
Thanks Bella, nice tip, I'll look into it....
06-02-2011, 02:22 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 327
Ah' memories of Wine, Women and Buffers!
Originally Posted by oldno7
Thanks Bella, nice tip, I'll look into it....
You're very welcome oldno7, I remember the days of lugging that GD Milwaukee buffer around with the same distaste as seeing my ex-wife! Thank GOD both are in the past!!!
Let me know if you have any questions, er about Poliglow that is, not women! I understand very little about the latter!
Bella Sera 3300SCR
06-02-2011, 09:29 PM
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Looking great Bella! Have a fun, safe season with that shine and other very nice upgrades!
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06-03-2011, 01:17 PM
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Cheers Brianm! Back at ya' man!
Bella Sera 3300SCR
06-03-2011, 04:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 5,715
Bella, how does it do with black streaks? does it reduce them or at least make it easier to clean? Will the black streak remover products affect the poli glow? I'm also a bit curious about various marks that are left behind from the shrink wrap ove rthe winter. I usually have a good amount of waxing with a buffer and cleaner and wax. I've looked at this stuff and been very interested as wwell. The 'peeling' from improper application as stated on some other sites had me concerned, though it sounds like you don't experience that. sorry to keep dragging this out, but you seem to have a lot fo experience and success with this. I'd love my boat to look half as good as yours.
06-06-2011, 12:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 327
Originally Posted by shrew
The 'peeling' from improper application as stated on some other sites had me concerned, though it sounds like you don't experience that.
Hey Shrew,
Sorry for the late reply I was actually boating this weekend for a change and away from my computer. You basically pointed out why I don't have any peeling....I used the product consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions. if you don’t remove all the wax from the surface to be PG'd, you gonna have potential problems because it cannot penetrate and seal the fiberglass. That said, take your time and do it right. Haul the boat out of the water, then strip the wax and oxidation with a combination of Poliprep a butyl cleaner and Poliox, which is sort of like a Comet or Ajax cleanser, It will remove light and heavy oxidation and more importantly any wax from the surface. It is used with a white scotch bright scrubbing pad that comes in the kit ( I would suggest getting two of each so you and a friend can go to town on the boat together. Another thing when cleaning or stripping the hull and top sides: only leave the stains that you want to seal in :-0 , therefore take your time and do it right. This is the most labor intensive part of the application process but it is still a lot easier than GD buffing the boat once.
Anyway after you have stripped the boat of wax and oxidation it is then ok to apply the Poliglow sealant. This is the easy part. it is applied in VERY THIN coats that dry within minutes so you can get multiple layers on in little time. Wear tight fitting latex gloves that you can change often to eliminate any dried PG from getting into your finish. Two other tips; the intricate detail areas are applied with a small strip of the same fake chamois cloth that you are supplied with the kit and the raised nonskid is applied with a mini short nap paint roller. Again thinner is better because you are much less likely to get drips that will dry in the finish. If you screw up and get some, you can wait till they are dry then use the scrubber and Poliox to remove them then start over. That’s the beauty of the product though; if you take your time, you will get a stellar result that only requires a yearly recote. If you give it a half hearted attempt, you end up with crap, just like any other project. So to recap, you will need two scrubbers, two poliprep's / poliox’s and one bottle of PG to easily do your boat.
Regarding black streaks and cleaners, honestly you won't need to use them, since simple soap and water will clean up just about anything from bird droppings, engine exhaust carbon, to wine dropped and spilled by your girlfriend or wife (as I lived through!)
Let me know if you have any questions, and good luck not ever having to pick up that GD buffer again. ;-)
Bella Sera 3300SCR
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