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Old 03-26-2012, 03:29 PM   #1

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Default boat cleaning 101

first off let me preface this by saying I..like many pacnorwesters ...dry store my boat on land at our marina...we don't have individual docks per se but hard slips....so..during the winter the boat takes a beating with weather and road grim from the local hiway...so...after a full up wet winter our boats look aweful.....so...yesterday I went to do my usual checks and drains....we actually had some sunshine yesterday so decided to try and rearrange the muck some on the boat....now...during the winter we tried a couple of boxes of oxyclean cloths detergent at home which promptly ate right thru a bunch of our more delicate things....tee shirts....undies...etc....well...we stopped using it and I took what was left to the boat thinking it might work ok but at least I'll use it up.....
sunday got there and took the bucket and hose up to the foredeck which looked like something set up camp and pooped all over the deck..the anchor locker was grungy as hell.....thought something took up residence in there too....black mold spots all over the fore deck....green ugly looking crap growing down the sides of the boat.....so..took my mixture of oxyclean and water....brush...hose to the foredeck and went to town......

omg man....looks brand new now.....the oxyclean cut thru the muck that built up in corners of the windscreen and in places where water wouldn't drain well.....around the hatches .....killed the green mold down the sides....swim step looks like new....really does a great job and cleaning a boat......

didn't require alot of work either...just brushing and letting sit for a few min the hosing off ....or brushing some more......

give it a try...it's certainly not as expensive as some of the other cleaners you pay large amounts of money to make your boat look good....


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Old 03-26-2012, 05:45 PM   #2
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I bought a tub oxyclean and it worked great on almost everything including the bilge, we used water as HOT as our hands could stand and it did work great, some spots didn't want to come clean, so we tried fantastik® All Purpose Heavy Duty Cleaner with Bleach, and it seemed to work a little better. We are going to do the interior next weekend with the Carpet Steam Cleaner and the upholstery attachment. This boat has been sitting for 5 Years so it is a mess. I am also thinking about buying a low pressure Power Washer and giving it a try. [http://www.walmart.com/ip/Karcher-K2...-Kit/19202325]


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Old 03-26-2012, 09:20 PM   #3

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I take the snap in carpets out of my boat and hit them with the power washer when I bring it home for its pre-season clean up each Spring. Works great!

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Old 03-26-2012, 10:38 PM   #4
Lt. JG
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Originally Posted by seapuppy View Post
first off let me preface this by saying I..like many pacnorwesters ...dry store my boat on land at our marina...we don't have individual docks per se but hard slips....so..during the winter the boat takes a beating with weather and road grim from the local hiway...so...after a full up wet winter our boats look aweful.....so...yesterday I went to do my usual checks and drains....we actually had some sunshine yesterday so decided to try and rearrange the muck some on the boat....now...during the winter we tried a couple of boxes of oxyclean cloths detergent at home which promptly ate right thru a bunch of our more delicate things....tee shirts....undies...etc....well...we stopped using it and I took what was left to the boat thinking it might work ok but at least I'll use it up.....
sunday got there and took the bucket and hose up to the foredeck which looked like something set up camp and pooped all over the deck..the anchor locker was grungy as hell.....thought something took up residence in there too....black mold spots all over the fore deck....green ugly looking crap growing down the sides of the boat.....so..took my mixture of oxyclean and water....brush...hose to the foredeck and went to town......

omg man....looks brand new now.....the oxyclean cut thru the muck that built up in corners of the windscreen and in places where water wouldn't drain well.....around the hatches .....killed the green mold down the sides....swim step looks like new....really does a great job and cleaning a boat......

didn't require alot of work either...just brushing and letting sit for a few min the hosing off ....or brushing some more......

give it a try...it's certainly not as expensive as some of the other cleaners you pay large amounts of money to make your boat look good....


Thanks for the tip, SP ...... I live just North of you here in the Northwest and know exactly what you mean by the "Green Stuff" that grows everywhere !!
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Old 03-27-2012, 12:03 AM   #5
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Oxyclean, thanks for the tip. Going to try that as well.
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Old 03-27-2012, 07:03 AM   #6
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makes a big difrence if your boat is sitting in a dirt, gravel, asphalt, or concrete yard. You get it more dirty walking all over it with your shoes from those surfaces.
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Old 03-27-2012, 12:54 PM   #7
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I'll try the Oxy next detailing. Did it have any affect on hull oxidation (if you had any)?
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Old 03-27-2012, 01:02 PM   #8

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doesn't help with oxidation.....just gets the scum and gunk off...


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